Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [prep] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Army 's hope of fielding their two internationals , Tim Rodber and Rob Wainwright , have been dashed because Rodber has been advised to rest a neck injury .
2 Before he departed , he did his best to curb Prince John 's ambition by giving him several huge tracts of English land in Derbyshire , Somerset , Dorset , Devon and Cornwall .
3 It is reasonably easy to open the dog 's mouth by putting your left hand on either side of the upper jaw , while prizing the lower jaw apart with your other hand .
4 Friedan ( 1965 ) analyses women 's oppression by studying their subjective experiences of constraint as wives and mothers .
5 I beg my reader 's forbearance for beginning my own paper with such a long quotation from another .
6 Team Mizuno Malory 's delight at completing their successful defence of the men 's Division One title with a 9-15 , 15-9 , 15-6 , 15-6 victory over Polonia Ealing was tempered by a serious ankle injury to Stuart Dunn .
7 Alan Gowling , for example , gained a Master 's degree before pursuing his professional sports career with a variety of football league clubs .
8 From the outset , Nigeria and Iran sought quota improvements and in the late 1980s there arose some aggrieved discussion of the UAE 's insistence on setting its own unilateral quota ( 1.5 million as against the 0.948 set by the Vienna conference in 1987 ) and vehement debate with both Iraq and Iran , neither of which was willing to accept a lower quota than the other 's .
9 She never went to anyone else 's place without checking it first .
10 Being in the vicinity , I helped remove the casualty 's kit before ditching my own in order to phone the rescue services .
11 As well as commercial prosperity the slave trade contributed to Britain 's security by enhancing her naval superiority through the provision of sailors and ships .
12 One aspect of the American success which pleased Laura above all was her eldest son 's achievement in creating his own niche within the company .
13 The international forum established after the Rhodes Summit in December 1988 has made little headway on the issue of border controls , and the police are critical of the British government 's delay in making its own position clear .
14 Rather than striving for an impossible , and ultimately sterile , objectivity , scholars will increasingly need to follow Mary Louise Pratt 's example in admitting their own ideological commitments in order to promote the development of research .
15 On a pragmatic level , the pressure for self-government or franchise complicated the aristocracy 's game of preserving their own lordship while subverting that of their rivals .
16 Coalport Minerva and Mason 's Ironstone are specialist units catering for very particular types of produce and both are important to the Group 's strategy of developing its valuable brands .
17 • The Women 's Guide to Starting Your Own Business by Deborah Fowler ( Thorsons , £6.99 ) is really helpful and includes ideas on different ways of earning money from home by jewellery-making , picture-framing , etc .
18 The chevauchèe , then , had as its prime aim the undermining of the enemy king 's authority by challenging his military effectiveness .
19 On Nov. 25 the PDS under Achille Ochetto voted to demand Cossiga 's impeachment for exceeding his consitutional powers in his dealings with the magistrates .
20 When the development was first announced in 1990 , senior Motorola managers spoke of the company 's policy of encouraging its global suppliers to establish local operations alongside its manufacturing plants , and said they hoped that some suppliers might be persuaded to set up in Scotland .
21 Reynolds 's News described how a ‘ big and angry crowd ’ of Wolves fans estimated at 2,000 people gathered outside the officials ' entrance , protesting at the club 's policy of selling its better players .
22 A joint declaration , signed on Nov. 21 , noted Russia 's commitment to paying its foreign debt , and to re-establishing a German Volga republic ; the German side offered support in Russia 's transformation to a " market economy-oriented future " .
23 KPMG Peat Marwick introduced a ‘ green code ’ in August 1990 , as part of the company 's commitment to improving its own environmental performance .
24 The move came amid reports that Iraq 's success in initiating its post-war reconstruction programme might have been assisted by systematic sanctions-busting by some countries .
25 Few grounds for optimism in these matters could be derived from the analysis of Paul Light who argued in The President 's Agenda that a chief executive 's success in getting his domestic policy agenda accepted would depend on his command of internal and external resources .
26 When in turn these fantasies foundered on Christina 's subsequent defection to Rome and her successor 's preoccupation with challenging his Protestant neighbours for supremacy in the Baltic , Cromwell resorted to the popular policy of war against England 's traditional enemy , Spain .
27 He is stuck with this answer to the second question because he holds ( as does Hare , but not Ayer ) that what one is saying about something when one calls it x is identical with one 's reason for calling it x .
28 Jed 's idea of doing something special was to be allowed to help her out on the estate , almost as if he was afraid that he 'd find himself abandoned if he did n't make himself useful .
29 Mr Molyneaux , briefly visiting the City Hall count today , claimed the SDLP leader had increased Sinn Fein 's credibility by making his recent controversial joint statement with Mr Adams .
30 In ‘ The disappearance ’ , Imamu has to prove that he had nothing to do with Perk 's disappearance by finding her dead body in someone else 's house having been murdered by that person and Boo has to risk his own life in order to save that of Scout 's before his most ignorant neighbours realise he 's not a squirrel eating monster .
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