Example sentences of "'s [noun] had [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 His father 's ghost had returned in the tangle of late-summer foliage , the first fall of the leaves , the tentative autumn smells .
2 More specifically , the presidential elections of 1965 , while disappointing from a personal standpoint , had vindicated the constitutional revision of 1962 ; de Gaulle 's opponents had campaigned in a presidential style quite different from that of the Fourth Republic .
3 In general , the baby 's wishes had tended in the past to be suspect , and the mother had been expected to look for some non-permissible motive behind them , in the form either of dangerous ( probably erotic ) impulses or of a rebellious determination to dominate the mother-in either case , constant control of the child was called for , and only the baby who had submitted himself completely to the mother 's control could be called a good baby .
4 This was the first and only news that we had ever had that Thomas 's aircraft had crashed in a built-up area , let alone on a house , and that seven French people had been killed .
5 Emmie filled his water bowl , found an egg that Oliver 's hen had laid in the hole under the sink .
6 In the case of Sgt Soles , the Department said that Mrs Marsden 's inquiry had resulted in the discovery that his widow , who had remarried by was now very ill , was entitled to have her widow 's pension reinstated under new legislation and this had now been done .
7 Marcos 's body had lain in a refrigerated crypt in Hawaii since his death in 1989 .
8 Dorothy 's husband had plumbed in the second-hand washing machine for her , and refused to accept money , taken all Saturday morning doing it .
9 Philip 's father had served in the Irish Guards in the First World War , and was always referred to by his rank .
10 Edward 's father had worked in the diplomatic service in India and had amassed a fortune also , by irregular and secret membership of a Burmese rubber syndicate .
11 Even in this chapter the discussion of The Winter 's Tale had occurred in the first edition much earlier in the book , from where it has been removed and rewritten to be included in the last chapter .
12 However , while Johnson 's coat-tails had carried in a sizeable number of members of congress this was not true of Carter who , in fact , ran behind no less than 270 successful Democratic candidates for the House .
13 Unfortunately for Scheer , however , an earlier provocative raid by Hipper 's ships had resulted in the Seydlitz being struck by a mine .
14 Bingham 's men had reigned in the rain ; what a pity the deluge of good results had come too late to save the harvest .
15 Kretschmer 's end had come in the spring of 1941 at almost the same time as his great rivals Schepke and Prien , when his U.99 was sunk by a destroyer commanded by Captain Donald Macintyre , and he had spent the rest of the war as a prisoner .
16 Indeed , young people 's wages had risen in the 50s and 60s because there was a labour shortage .
17 When junior health minister Tim Yeo launched the Mansell report on services for people with learning difficulties with challenging behaviour a couple of months ago , he made the aside that perhaps his audience were wondering why there was need of such a report , given the work the King 's Fund had done in the same area over the years .
18 Sylvia 's problem had arisen in the first place because of the negative situation imprinted on her subconscious memory when her mother lay unconscious in the darkness of the air raid shelter .
19 The Headmaster 's House had stood in the middle of fields , but it was now to be surrounded by educational plant .
20 Furthermore , if Chemical did hand back the plane to Boeing , it would be at an effective cost to Virgin of a further $10m — the amount by which the plane 's value had increased in the time Virgin had owned it .
21 Scarlet 's mother had moved in the Bohemian world of Chelsea in the years immediately post-war and had acquired the air of insouciant , amoral aristocracy combined with a certain self-righteousness arising from the consciousness of being both aesthetically and ( at base ) morally correct which had characterized that society at that time .
22 It began as a faint glowing cloudiness that hung in the rafters of the attic , which was exactly the sort of phenomenon Cleo 's mother had described in the ghost stories she 'd told her daughter as a child .
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