Example sentences of "'s [noun] which be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They drove at once to Baird 's home which was in the Dundonald suburb of Belfast .
2 Richard Kahan , the Battery Park commissioner , awarded Olympia & York the contract when Reichmann guaranteed payment of several hundred million on the city 's bonds which were due the next year .
3 It is this version of the relationship between adult education and the women 's movement which is at the same time the most challenging and the most precarious .
4 Another paper describing the use of bibliometrics in research evaluation is Narin 1987 , but this restricts itself to publication counts and citations , deriving a new indicator , the Top Decile Performance , which is that percent of an Institute 's papers which are amongst the more highly cited 10% of papers in a field .
5 It is defined as the percent of an institute 's papers which are amongst the more highly cited 10% of papers in a field .
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