Example sentences of "'s [noun] [is] [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 In the case of ASB documents , the TAC 's response is made to the Financial Reporting Committee , which is delegated to respond to the document in the name of the Institute .
2 If all the artist 's money is paid to the artist 's accountant directly , these financial matters can be dealt with by an expert , leaving the manager free to develop the artists career .
3 However , when Rousseau 's text is submitted to the questioning scrutiny of the grammatologist , it emerges that , although Rousseau clearly wants to say that melody originates in the passions , he actually has to formulate a definition of it that includes a notion of articulation and differentiation .
4 Such challenge must be made within 28 days after the meeting 's decision is reported to the court .
5 The author 's experience is limited to the Gunung Leuser Reserve in Sumatra where he worked on a ‘ Survival ’ wildlife film about the orang-utan rehabilitation centre at Bohorok .
6 A member 's liability is limited to the amount , if any , which remains unpaid upon the member 's shares .
7 Since normal practice is for a member to be issued with paid-up shares , the member 's liability is limited to the extent that the shares which he or she has in the company are rendered valueless .
8 This becomes clearer when Quine 's scientism is relaxed to the extent of recognizing the autonomy of forms of discourse — for instance , concerning moral or cognitive justification — which are plainly not ‘ scientific ’ , let alone acceptable to a Quinean ‘ physicalist ’ .
9 The baby 's navel 's attached to the mother , not the mother 's navel to the baby . ’
10 The check in Cristofori 's action is attached to the key .
11 In Appendix D Einstein 's equation is applied to the region outside a spherically symmetric mass distribution , yielding the Schwarzschild metric .
12 Despite this , however , one 's gaze is drawn to the huge black false eye at the other end of the body .
13 The Transfer Regulations , which were enacted to give effect to the EC Acquired Rights Directive 77/187 , will usually apply to a business sale if the vendor 's business is transferred to the purchaser " as a going concern " .
14 Even now the World Health Organisation estimates that 107 countries are affected and that about half the world 's population is exposed to the risk of infection .
15 The baby 's attention is drawn to the potty before being placed on it : the aim was to teach the babies to reach out for the potty to indicate they wanted to use it .
16 Accordingly , it would be good practice to ensure that the customer 's attention is drawn to the salient points of any agreement or written document given to him .
17 Ricci 's behaviour is adapted to the technical level achieved by her daughter .
18 Now , as the campaign 's evidence is handed to the Office of Fair Trading , it is up to its officials to take action .
19 ‘ without there being displayed in such a manner as to be clearly visible to other persons using the road from within a reasonable distance from the front and back of the vehicle ’ The police officer 's evidence is required to the effect that both ‘ L ’ plates were missing , one of the two was missing , that the white surround had been cut off , that the ‘ L ’ plates were torn , dirty or otherwise illegible .
20 But it is , I I think automatically the mother 's name is given to the child , but it can be decided that the child takes the father 's name .
21 In around 75% of cases the Commissioner 's name is added to the title of the proceedings .
22 One other major aspect of the chant leader 's role is related to the creation of new chants and songs .
23 One such variation concerns the extent to which the researcher 's role is known to the people being studied .
24 Because the Power Tool 's EQ is added to the sound after your amplifier it can drastically change the tone produced at the end of the chain , especially in the lower frequencies .
25 The doctor 's duty is limited to the control , to the extent that it is possible , of discomforting symptoms .
26 If it receives one about a member who is a partner in a firm of registered auditors , a copy of the complainant 's letter is sent to the ARC , which will consider whether this should have any effect on the firm 's continued registration .
27 The scheme takes effect once the office copy of the court 's order is delivered to the Registrar of Companies for registration .
28 But it is outside the Pru , in the City , where Newmarch 's muscle is wielded to the most dramatic effect .
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