Example sentences of "'s [noun] [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The company 's Moscow office will co-ordinate the supply of a 700-terminal Unix-based system to be used in oil field data acquisition .
2 The county 's schools sub-committee will consider the report tomorrow .
3 Instead , the council 's research project will examine the genetics of modern hens with the long-term possibility of developing new breeds with sturdier legs .
4 For them Poland 's dream ticket would combine the dignified Mr Mazowiecki as president with the brainy Mr Geremek as prime minister .
5 Grove said Motorola 's PowerPC chip will fit the niche workstation market without the mass appeal of Pentium because it does not immediately run Microsoft Corp software .
6 The Auditing Practices Board concurs with the Institute 's view , and suggests either that audit endorsement be restricted to those parts of the code capable of objective evaluation , or that a company 's audit committee should endorse the statement of compliance at a meeting attended by the auditors .
7 Third , the target bank 's business mix must contain the inherent value to repay the premium that the acquirer will have to pay to make the takeover successful .
8 Edinburgh 's business community can help the project by providing financial assistance , seconding staff or sharing other resources .
9 ‘ Our society has a large and varied membership and this year 's lecture programme will reflect the wide range of opinion among the society 's members . ’
10 The axe at Jaguar 's Coventry plant will cut the workforce to 7,300 from 12,000 only three years ago .
11 With Lamb and Gower about to be dumped and the mightiest of all rounders Ian Botham unavailable today 's Lord 's team declaration will mark the sad end of an era for English international cricket .
12 Left : Available in widths up to 10ft , Leofric 's Lighthorne garage will fit the widest of cars .
13 On 7th February , I wrote to Derrik Mercer , assistant news editor , The Sunday Times , suggesting that the paper 's Insight team should investigate the Black shooting and earlier harassments .
14 Charles Babbage 's Difference Engine will form the centre-piece of a new gallery at the Science Museum next year — if fundraisers can find the £4.5million needed to build the new show .
15 Darlington Council must decide by mid-March which of the building companies bidding for the contract to repair the town 's Dolphin Centre will do the work .
16 Indeed , Kelburne 's tussle with MIM one hour earlier than Menzieshill 's opening game might decide the championship .
17 Labour 's Quality Commission would replace the Audit Commission .
18 THE cash squeeze on Middlesbrough Citizen 's Advice Bureau could strangle the group , claims its manager .
19 Macmillan played on Kennedy 's political instincts by suggesting that a failure to honour Eisenhower 's Polaris pledge could sink the Macmillan Government and lead to the election of an anti-American alternative , either Conservative or Labour — anti-Americanism not being confined to one party .
20 Keating 's spending programme would involve the injection of public money into infrastructure — including airport facilities , railways , ports , roads and the development of a national electricity grid — and vocational training , as well as a special A$300 million family allowance payment benefiting some 2,000,000 families .
21 The government 's information policy must protect the interests of both the institutions of mass media ( owners and operators ) and the public ( readers , listeners and viewers ) .
22 The government 's information policy must protect the interests of both the institutions of mass media ( owners and operators ) and the public ( readers , listeners and viewers ) .
23 Wood Group 's existing team based at Conoco 's Viking House will service the contract with as contracts manager and as head of supply base .
24 The point of all this is not that the entire women 's liberation movement should support the Wages for Housework demand ( as at present formulated ) — a pretty remote possibility — but that it should recognise — as WfH does — the importance of feminism 's attitude to housewives .
25 Kaleida 's XScript interface will connect the server to networked PCs and Macs .
26 The firm 's production cost will understate the true social cost and the good will be overproduced .
27 Mr Bates thinks the disappearance of November 's protest vote could tip the scales his way .
28 June 's earth summit may appease the rich nations , but what will it do for the world 's poor , asks Jeremy Seabrook
29 THE DISPOSSESSED Rocky road to Rio June 's Earth Summit may appease the rich nations , but what will it do for the world 's poor , asks Jeremy Seabrook
30 Interchange by the Euston-King 's Cross link will complement the through international train services that British Rail plans to run from the north-west and the west midlands to Paris and Brussels .
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