Example sentences of "'s [noun] [verb] the [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Later , he made some corrective statements pointing out that although he had made these observations , he was certainly not advocating the use of any drugs , although he continued to ridicule some of the US government 's attempts to stem the tide as being the wrong way to deal with the problem .
2 But the two judges overturned Judge Owen 's decision to stop the proceedings because of delays in bringing the case .
3 It is another U-turn by Mr Major after Tories attacked Labour 's plans to unfreeze the cash if elected .
4 But Greenpeace noted that the British government 's willingness to sign the convention as it stood was a fundamental shift in policy in that it had agreed for the first time to the elimination in principle of dangerous chemicals .
5 A man of immense physical vigour , intellectual confidence and moral force , as naturally extrovert as was Paul painfully introvert , his decisive experience was not that of the Council ( which he did attend ) , nor of the Western Christian 's attempt to reshape the gospel when faced with the blandishments of agnostic affluence , still less was it any deep experience of the struggles of the third world ; instead , it was that of the Church 's singularly successful , no-nonsense resistance to communism in Poland : a combination of old-fashioned pieties , unquestioned doctrinal certainties , down-to-earth preoccupation with basic human rights , and a dose of sheer populism .
6 Beccaria 's attempt to avoid the issue while retaining the conception of tree will was , perhaps , asking for trouble .
7 Like Good King Wenceslas , Bres 's feet melted the snow when he walked .
8 No sooner had Vasili 's feet touched the ground than a pair of tight-fitting handcuffs was snapped around his wrists .
9 Nothing illustrates more dramatically the extent to which Nizan 's work fired the imagination than the spectacle of Sartre himself publicly criticising traditional " institutionalised " intellectuals for their lack of imagination , publicly insulting Raymond Aron for his failure to take note of the significance of the May events , and extolling by implication Nizan the youthful iconoclast , an exemplary dissident intellectual in tune with the spirit of the times .
10 The Fitzgerald decision was prompted by Taunton Cider 's move to end the service as Fitzgerald traffic loads are added to the cider company 's own 20-vehicle train .
11 Expert systems will be key elements of ‘ fifth generation ’ computers and ICL 's announcement came the day after the government gave its response to the Alvey report ( p 272 )
12 At the funeral , Cameron 's stepmother played the cello while he stood with his arm around Alexia , feeling drained and empty .
13 John 's father left the family when John was seven , although he had spent long periods away when John was younger .
14 ( Megarry V-C said that even if some or all of the owner 's rivals have the information as long as the owner believes it is confidential he is entitled to try to protect it . )
15 Save that I would not describe Mrs. Steed 's authority to execute the transfer as ‘ ostensible ’ authority , I am in complete and respectful agreement with the judge .
16 A conference attended by representatives from many of Russia 's museums assessed the law as yet another example of the amateurism and dilettantism in cultural policy , typical of the new Russian authorities .
17 Thanks to cosmetic ingenuity , the damage had been repaired sufficiently for the coroner 's jury to view the corpse when the inquest was held in the prison later that morning .
18 United 's Frenchman milked the applause after his tap-in equaliser ended the excitement , but the red army hailed the wrong player at the end — it was Sharpe they should have saluted .
19 Meanwhile , Turkey 's Foreign Minister , Mr Ali Bozer , said yesterday that the European Commission 's rejection of Turkey 's application to join the EC until after 1992 did ‘ not fully correspond to Turkey 's aspirations ’ .
20 Success on such tasks is dependent on children 's ability to accept the task as defined by the adult .
21 During negotiations the purchaser should assess the likelihood of a claim arising and the vendor 's ability to compensate the purchaser if a claim is successful .
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