Example sentences of "she [was/were] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I wonder if I were to kill her , if she were dead , if she were knocked over by a car , would that make the jealousy , that mixture of anxiety , grief and fear of exclusion , simply stop ?
2 The trickiest parts was keeping the feet with their fearsome claws underneath the body while she was lashed up like a parcel .
3 Now , she was stripped down to the bare essentials of her person , trying to deal with her knowledge .
4 She was pressed back against the seat as Fergus accelerated again .
5 Before she left the Grand Hotel for the opening of the conference , she was chatted up by a ponderous Patrick Cormack , a chastened Colin Moynihan and an eager Charles Harvey .
6 She was referred back to the medical clinic after a few months with the same clinical findings .
7 She forced Moran to dance and by the night 's end she was worn out by the single effort .
8 She was run over by a car travelling at excessive speed and overtaking on the wrong side .
9 Frances Maidment has vivid memories of the day she was run over by a stolen car .
10 She supposed that she must face the fact that she was run down after the years of nursing and the final shock of Donald 's death .
11 They sang something noble and uplifting about Spiderglass and the atmosphere of pride swelled Jezrael 's emotions until she was swallowed up by the crowd 's euphoria .
12 She was propped up on the sofa near her open window which commanded an excellent view of the whole of Canons ' Court .
13 She was waved on by a sharp-eyed young officer , who boasted he could smell a smuggler from fifty yards away .
14 While the investigation was being carried out she was pushed up on the X-ray table with sufficient force to rip the intravenous infusion from an already bruised and swollen arm .
15 Then , before she realised it , they had stopped and she was pushed down to the ground next to Sung , her back to him .
16 The woman suffered head injuries after she was mowed down by a car which mounted the pavement .
17 She was sent out on an adventure which took her from the Annunciation to pentecost , and the questions and uncertainties built up .
18 She was hung up with a rope round her neck .
19 Priscilla Savage remembers her mother telling her that she was placed down in the shade between two bundles of corn in an angle of the harvest field , and she was fed during the brief intervals her mother won from the gavelling .
20 As for Mary Alice , she was flown back to the USA in June 1945 , some 11 months after her original crew .
21 When the ILO was set up in Geneva , Sophy Sanger was appointed chief of its legislative section , a post she held until 1924 , when she was edged out of the organization by Albert Thomas , the director .
22 She gave every indication that she was fed up to the teeth .
23 She was fed up with the factory-style working conditions involved in producing a day-in-day-out series .
24 She was fed up with the carry-on . "
25 A BUS manager who was forced to give up a rural route said yesterday she was fed up with the whole business .
26 She was turned down on the grounds of lack of experience with sick children .
27 Baroness Thatcher too is an Oxford graduate , but when moves were made to confer an honorary degree on her in the nineteen eighties , she was turned down by the same people , amid stormy controversy .
28 If they were an attention-seeking device , they were successful ; even when she was turned out of the church as she frequently was , the eyes of the whole congregation were on her ; sometimes , she reports proudly , people stood on stools to see her better .
29 It must have been like that for Euturpia , when she was turned out to the cabana .
30 She had moved across the courtyard , flagstone by flagstone , to cheat the shadow ; now she was boxed in to the last corner of light .
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