Example sentences of "she [vb past] them [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ILL-MANNERED Tories booed , hissed and slow-handclapped Brighton 's Labour mayor as she told them the hard facts of life in Major 's Britain .
2 In response to the unasked question she handed them the last cans .
3 She showed them the small lake in its ring of reeds , took them to the first slopes of the mountain , rigged up a fishing rod for Michael and took him to the part of the lake she used to fish as a girl , and soon he was shouting out in glee as he missed the ravenous little perch or swung them out over his head on to the bank .
4 The little group of guests gathered at the bottom looked marginally startled by her somewhat unorthodox behaviour , and she gave them a lame smile .
5 She gave them a warm smile .
6 She gave them a terrified glance , and then bolted .
7 The doors to the three lavatories were open and she gave them a quick inspection .
8 she had them a few month 's old did n't she ?
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