Example sentences of "she [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Which , she 'd thought at the time , were appropriate registration letters for her cousin Paul Gray 's car , missing now for nearly two weeks .
2 She 'd thought at the time — fleetingly , without really dwelling on it — that he 'd been referring to Arnie with these remarks .
3 He went yet again in 1801 , by then she had altered from the time when she had ‘ full eyes , vermillion lips , and cheeks like lillies ’ to a ‘ bulky wife of a farmer , blessed with much good humour and a ready utterance . ’
4 She had felt at the time that he was ‘ pretty borderline for special school ’ .
5 that 's right , erm she had said at the time when they had raised all this money that er mostly gon na be spent on erm
6 Despite what had happened between them , because it had been what she had wanted at the time and because Rune had been a generous and not over-demanding lover , and because she loved him , her own sense of self-esteem had remained whole .
7 Kopp testified that she had thought at the time that the information was based on " rumours from banking circles " .
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