Example sentences of "she [prep] the [noun] [subord] she " in BNC.

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1 It was entirely our responsibility and that evening to well past midnight Leon and I took her through the changes until she was satisfied that she knew the policy thoroughly .
2 ‘ He hit her with the tree so she took her turn and hit him back with it , ’ said Inspector Roger Foster , of Gwent Police .
3 I sometimes did little unexpected kid things out of my tenderness for her , and was always glad to be the one to take up tea for her if she was unwell , and so on , or to help her with the housework when she was servantless .
4 ’ Aim for the comm-booth that Mala called from , and grab her with the Magnigrip when she 's in range ’ .
5 ‘ Are you suggesting Joseph pushed her into the water as she walked through the harbour ? ’
6 how she speaks no he , he might ban her from the shop if she , if she keeps Well you know she 's called her all sorts of things in front of people .
7 ‘ I 'll clap her in the guardhouse when she does arrive , ’ said Joe .
8 Mike was waiting for her in the lobby when she came down , and she was pleased to see that he too had dressed as informally as possible in deference to the humidity .
9 This she took with her in the trap when she left to go to the market .
10 Why did everyone want to put her in the wrong when she had done nothing to deserve it ?
11 Rune was waiting for her in the foyer as she stepped out of the lift .
12 She did not believe that she could bring Scathach back to life , but he could at least be with her in the fortress as she made her journey into the first forest , as she went in search of whatever it was that had ensnared Harry , made him a prisoner in Old Forbidden Place .
13 and somebody must try and get in touch with her in the evening if she 's not in .
14 Friends took her home , but they then had to chase her down the street as she fled from her flat .
15 She thought fleetingly of the weapon he might have picked up to strike her over the head as she sat at his mercy .
16 ‘ I hardly knew whether I would find you still here , ’ Benedict had said , catching her on the gallery as she went towards the attic stairs , burdened with a small wooden box containing the contents of Lady Merchiston 's medicine cupboard , Hector at her heels .
17 We did take a plant into her on the Saturday before she died , and then she died the following Saturday er and she .
18 The hard hand captured her arm again and he turned her to the vehicle whether she wanted to go or not .
19 ‘ I only took her to the doctor because she had a bad nose bleed at playgroup , and I thought she looked a little pale .
20 They were still close enough to shore for him to return her to the police if she admitted she was not an experienced ocean sailor .
21 He threw her to the ground when she stood between him and his computer terminal one morning at 3am .
22 We have put her among the children until she learns .
23 she was nearly retiring by the , no still the girls go to her at the school so she must have been going for , two or three years after we came up here , but I would be in the choir just , maybe two or three years .
24 When I met her at the airport after she flew in to London from Los Angeles recently , I caught my breath when I saw her because she just looked so lovely .
25 Llewelyn caught her by the hand as she rose , with one of those warm , moving gestures of his that came so suddenly out of the very centre of his royalty , to join him by the heart with the simplest of those who moved about him .
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