Example sentences of "she [conj] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She could feel her own heart pounding against her ribs and there was a passionate urgency inside her that robbed her of all thought .
2 When it was obvious that Inez was not coming back he packed up everything connected with her and stored it in one of the attics .
3 The woman escaped and ran to a motorist after her assailant grabbed her and dragged her into private gardens .
4 So you and your family hatched a plot whereby you flirted with her and turned her stupid , innocent head ; where you pawed her and manoeuvred her into private corners until she did n't know what was happening to her !
5 Later Lisa was to wonder at the power of the sensations that swept in on her and possessed her at that moment .
6 But at this thought rage grasped her and shook her with red-hot hands , so that her eyes went dark and she found herself walking fast up the road , and then along another , and another , walking as though she would explode if she stopped .
7 The girl was dishevelled , her hair a mess , but she only laughed as he caught her and pulled her into another room .
8 He was right , of course , she knew that , but she picked up the brandy Mick got her and downed it in one , then hovered on the edge of her seat until he gave up and walked her home .
9 Director William Sterling had spotted a Sunday magazine photograph of her taken by Lord Snowdon , arranged to meet her and shortlisted her with two other girls to meet Shaftel ; after a couple of screen tests in full costume , she was offered the role .
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