Example sentences of "she [modal v] [be] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Yet since 1987 , the level of child sexual abuse diagnosed in Cleveland has been shown to be no higher than elsewhere in the country , and an increasing number of people locally take the view that she should be treated in the same way as myself — allowed to return to work as a paediatrician in Cleveland , but restricted from working in child abuse for the time being .
2 If the agency then acts differently it may be held to have acted unfairly and illegally , at least if it has not given the citizen a chance to make representations as to why he or she should be treated in the way expected .
3 ‘ Your sister is not a monster — of course not — and Mummy had no intention whatever that she should be put in the dustbin .
4 That if she 'd triggered it by asking questions she might be drowned in the flood of pain that would be released ?
5 There 's also an Olmympic place for sprinter Stephanie Douglas from Milton Keynes … she 'll be running in the 100 metres …
6 There 's also an Olmympic place for sprinter Stephanie Douglas from Milton Keynes … she 'll be running in the 100 metres …
7 She wished she could be siting in the Prego Café , listening to the mind-pounding rhythms of the juke box .
8 Perdita , covering the bottom of the lorries with straw to protect the ponies ' feet , suddenly heard Alejandro shouting that she better dig out a pair of clean breeches and polish her boots , as she 'd be playing in the match that afternoon .
9 she 'd be climbing in the inside of it and ripping it
10 She would be lodged in the royal palace within the Tower , with servants a-plenty to serve and chaperon her .
11 And told to turn up the next morning , waited another four hours , finally a patient who 'd had an operation for a serious gall bladder operation two days before hand was kicked out of his bed and sent home so that she would be put in the bed , given the operation !
12 Soon , she would be left in the darkness , in the middle of an ocean , thousands of miles from anywhere .
13 She would be occupied in the attic for some time .
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