Example sentences of "she [modal v] [verb] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 She must remain discreetly in the background — in the wings as it were — being ever attentive to Anne 's requirements and reputation , and acting with prudence and discretion whensoever the need arose .
2 She knew hat she would be flaunted before the whole of Northumberland if her mother had her way , so , although aware that good form dictated that she should dress down in the country , she took a deep breath and faced the fact that , for their first few outings at least , she would have to wear what Nora called her ‘ dressy ’ clothes .
3 It 'll take a good year before she 'll get back in the swing of everything .
4 She could walk safely in the forest of city streets and that no harm could touch her .
5 Now the choice was hers — she could stay on in the cottage for the weekend as planned , or she could cut her losses and head for home .
6 She could think better in the darkness , and Gay 's letter had effectively banished all desire to sleep .
7 Leith snapped angrily — and realised she could go on in the same vein until she was blue in the face and it still would n't dent him .
8 She 'd sit there in the place of honour , black-haired and rather thin , beautiful on her birthday , as his father used to say .
9 And she 'd nod meaningfully in the direction of the hovering Léonie : not in front of the children please .
10 She 'd point up in the air , where the Gnats were zipping around on their little gliders , like little pointed flower petals in the sky .
11 She used to wake up in the morning they were red raw both of them !
12 Yeah cos she used to teach here in the school
13 She used to get up in the morning , every Tuesday and Friday and catch the half past seven bus , from to Nottingham and another bus down to Boulevard , to Miss 's , do a day 's skivvying and come back again , and then do her ironing and so forth , at night-time .
14 If her parents needed her to be looked after , she would be off there again later ; or she would go there in the evenings to read a book to her grandfather , or play games with him , or listen to one of the old pair storytelling .
15 Often , in order to preserve peace , she would wander off in the opposite direction , to keep out of trouble .
16 I wondered how she would settle down in the United States when she and Hank did get married .
17 He stood back in the street , the rain stinging his eyes , wetting him to the skin , getting in his mouth and eyes ; warm rain , huge hard drops , slicking and sticking the clothes to his body ; erotic , making his heart beat faster in a sudden , squally sexual fantasy ; she would invite him in … no , better yet , she would turn up in the street , having been out , also wet to the skin , she would look at him … they would go in …
18 Soon she would lie down in the arms of a stronger lover than Tom would ever be and fall asleep .
19 The meat she would dry out in the sun tomorrow .
20 On behalf of all her fans , I would like to wish her the best of luck in 1992 and hope that she will carry on in the dedicated way she has in the past year or so .
21 Sometimes she will help out in the staff refectory or arrange catering services for a conference function .
22 Having plucked up the courage , he or she will find perhaps in the next room a course in Spanish or computer studies .
23 Instead , she can play freely in the safety of a Skelmersdale home .
24 Sometimes she can help directly in the search .
25 But , however much her body yearned for submission , to let her will melt away in the pleasure Luke 's expert hands could give her , still in the background of her mind was a sense of holding something back .
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