Example sentences of "she [verb] they [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She had brought things to make their evening meal and she emptied them on to the work-counter : wine , cheese , spinach , onions , bread , the pink-white tines of a rack of lamb , as if all the promise of their future lay in the guarantee of such ordinariness being possible .
2 Stripping off the rest of her wet clothes , she bundled them out on the landing , then irritably turned on the shower and stepped beneath the hot jets .
3 In the evening she drove them back to the village .
4 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she says to me , as she bundles them out of the front door , ‘ but what can I do ? ’
5 She threw them on to the table and looked down at Doyle and Tug .
6 She threw them down through the trap door and jumped after them to look .
7 They were not yet dry but she had no others apart from her best ones , so she pulled them on over the warm , dry woollen stockings into which she had changed upon coming in from the buildings .
8 Then she carried the basket to the washing line and unpegged the clothes rapidly , chucking them down in a windblown tangle ( Ella folded things as she took them out of the tumble drier .
9 She took them in during the day and I went off to Bartle 's — that 's the engineering factory in Brick Lane .
10 She carried them on to the terrace in front of the house , and sat down , intending to read one of the paperback books she 'd brought with her until the light faded .
11 big woman out there at the wi the weaving , one of the weavers , and if there 's one of the chaps who there getting married oh she straps them down to the weaving .
12 As soon as they are born , she takes them into her huge jaws where they lie in pouches as she carries them back down the river .
13 An ordinary pack ; a Tarot pack ; she spread them out on the polished mahogany .
14 She sat them down on the sofa .
15 Then Fred took Peaseblossom off to dance and Arthur gave Daisy an envelope of the uncashed dividend cheques , saying that he wanted her to plough them back into the business .
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