Example sentences of "she [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Spurred on by her envious sisters , who convince her that her mystery spouse is really a foul serpent , she arms herself with a lamp to see him with and knife to attack him with .
2 She flung herself to the floor and rolled to safety behind the half-opened door , the Beretta clenched tightly in her gloved hand .
3 She flung herself on the bed in a paroxysm of weeping , wailing like an animal in pain — until Mrs Taylor came running , and took her in her arms .
4 She flung herself on the end of the bed and began to bring him further up to date .
5 She flung herself across the room , beating helplessly on the door , whispering his name over and over as if the force of her desire would bring him back .
6 When she lowered herself into the chair , there was a loud squelching noise similar to that made by a hippopotamus when lowering its foot into the mud on the banks of the Limpopo River .
7 ‘ You really are a darling Barney , ’ Julie laughed , as she lowered herself into the rear of the two individual cockpits and pulled the waterproof liner around her waist .
8 Gingerly , she lowered herself onto the wall , and sat astride its smooth apex , still partially concealed by overhanging branches from the tree .
9 At two o'clock she seated herself at a window-table in a restaurant overlooking the Nile , near where the houseboat was moored .
10 She seated herself at the desk .
11 She seated herself at the desk , relocated a floral display and smiled as the first patient walked into the room .
12 Then she seated herself on the edge of the bed and , breathing deeply , raised the phone up to her ear .
13 ‘ Does one , ’ asked Gay rhetorically , as she seated herself on the foot of the bed , ‘ quarrel with those to whom one is totally indifferent ? ’
14 She seated herself by the fireplace , and motioned the two men to sit .
15 She seated herself in a wicker chair and took her mug without speaking .
16 She seated herself in the bay window and said to George , ‘ Are you not supposed to be at Cambridge ?
17 She seated herself in the row in front of me , but before she did so she looked round , perhaps to see if after all there was anyone present whom she recognised .
18 On 11 February 1963 she gassed herself in the flat .
19 Why had she exposed herself to the danger of someone remarking on the likeness between her son and her escort , and making the obvious connection ?
20 She draped herself round the doctor and adopted a childish air .
21 At no time had she addressed herself to the credibility or otherwise of anything in the report .
22 There was a tight , hard knot in her stomach that seemed to preclude eating , but in a gesture of defiance she helped herself to a platter of seafood .
23 Reaching over the ink-black counter , she helped herself to a tumbler of Spanish coñac and drank it between shaking teeth .
24 ‘ Hallo , ’ said the Englishman as she helped herself to a mug of courtesy coffee at the desk .
25 She helped herself to a slice of banana bread , which she was about to eat as Stephen and James wandered onto the terrace .
26 ‘ Pity she could n't be with us , ’ said Mrs Harper , dangerously : but Shirley had n't the energy to fight back , she helped herself to a spoonful of sage and onion stuffing and sat down to begin her meal .
27 Alone in the dining room , having eaten the half-grapefruit set in her place by Curtis , she helped herself from the sideboard to fish pie cooked by Mrs Files .
28 But she bore herself like a queen as she slowly descended the stairs , and knew that Araminta , staring up from below , was disconcerted by the picture she made .
29 She found herself amidst a cluster of shops and saw one announcing ‘ Drug Store ’ .
30 She found herself on the threshold of Fearon 's bedroom : that was a bit tricky and she knew she ought to retreat there and then .
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