Example sentences of "she [verb] [pn reflx] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 So she found herself staying in a single room at one of the hotels in Monaco and the following morning making her way back to the cottage with a very much subdued André , whose head was feeling all the after-effects of too much wine .
2 There she found herself ensconced in a huge grey suede and chrome armchair , clutching a hefty measure of Scotch , and staring blankly around at what she could only assume to be the ‘ minimalist ’ style of interior decoration .
3 Unfortunately apart from some of the movies mentioned above , she found herself stuck in the '40s with the unwelcome label of Queen of the B's , because of her frequent roles in Charlie Chan , Mr Moto and Falcon Quickies .
4 Although they discovered they had hardly a single taste in common , he was nonetheless a witty and amusing host and she found herself laughing in a way she had not done for a considerable time .
5 Then before she resumed her snail-slow progress back to bed she steeled herself to look in the mirror above the washbasin .
6 For a fleeting second she allowed herself to revel in the unaccustomed feeling of having the upper hand over him .
7 Then she heard herself say in a voice that sounded almost normal , ‘ Of course .
8 Dexter smiled to himself as he imagined his boss 's grimace when she saw herself described in the Mirror as ‘ Scotland Yard 's female supersleuth ’ .
9 His tribute was meant for Alex and Mary McLaggan , but as he sang he half turned towards Jean , he could not keep his look away from her , and as the words enveloped her she felt herself choking in a warm cocoon , her cheeks burned unbearably , he should not be doing this , it was too much in front of so many friends and strangers .
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