Example sentences of "she [verb] [prep] [art] first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The young woman feels curiously as though she is only playing at house once more when she goes into the first flat or home that she can truly call her own .
2 The following example comes from the interview with Sally Jordan , a factory worker and a dustman 's wife ; she belongs in the first group of working-class women whose early positive or non-committal response turns into predominantly negative feeling :
3 She experienced for the first time the frightening inhospitality of city streets .
4 She realised for the first time how Benjamin must be feeling .
5 ‘ But only because when we turned up at the solicitor 's to work out the marriage settlement — her idea , not mine — she realised for the first time that I was n't as rich as she thought .
6 Speechless , she glared at him , then felt the colour start back to her cheeks as she realised for the first time what he was dressed in , which was very little indeed .
7 But as she sipped the hot , reviving brew , she realised for the first time since buying the house just how very quiet it was — eerily quiet .
8 When she got to the first landing , her mother 's bedroom door suddenly flew open and her mother burst out .
9 She had n't missed him at all when he died , but now she realized for the first time that she had lost her father .
10 She realized for the first time fully consciously that she was ill at ease with , even afraid of , very tall men .
11 When she heard the voice of Sam 's mother she realized for the first time that it was more than likely that her own mother would , during the course of the evening , make some reference to the dinner-party which , she had been led to believe , was taking place in Pam 's house .
12 She claimed she had never realised the significance of the tape , which she played for the first time ‘ weeks later ’ .
13 She noticed for the first time that he was wearing a pair of white , glowing incongruously in the twilight .
14 She noticed for the first time that they had stopped , and looking round , discovered that they were outside the house .
15 She noticed for the first time that he had a slight limp .
16 In her bedroom now , sipping her whisky , she acknowledged for the first time in her life that if she had to make a list of the happy times , it would properly have to include the hours she had spent with Graham in his garden .
17 When she attends for the first time , she assesses the patient : if he is out of bed and eating his breakfast , for instance , she observes whether he can feed himself , or whether he needs help ; whether he has perceptual problems ; how good his balance is while he is sitting ; whether he is limited by spasticity ; what his posture is like ; and then whether he is capable of standing and walking .
18 She returned to the first column .
19 As she descended the stairs , she appreciated for the first time how far she had fallen from grace .
20 She exhibited for the first time in spring 1900 at the New English Art Club , an organization with strong Slade connections , and continued to show there twice yearly until 1903 .
21 What a pity she did not discover that all she needed in the first place to remove the ‘ writer 's cramp ’ was to rest her right elbow on the table when writing instead of letting it hang over the edge without support !
22 When Anne left them she thought of the first time she had stood on that corner saying goodnight to John .
23 The thought had no sooner entered her mind when she tripped over the first slat of the drawbridge and fell to her knees before she could save herself .
24 Only when Bert Rafferty was called to give evidence did Harriet Tremayne show any sign of breaking down , as she listened for the first time to his description of exactly what had happened on that harrowing morning .
25 She listened for the first time in ages , pouring herself another glass of wine , knowing she was drinking a little too much , but doing it out of a desire to annoy Luke .
26 A month ago he had come to see her and now she understood for the first time that what he had said to her then would change her life .
27 Coming back , she saw for the first time that a letter addressed to herself lay on the kitchen table .
28 So much that she fell on the first excuse to put some distance between them .
29 Here she speaks for the first time about her ordeal to Margaret Hall .
30 When she got home , she felt for the first time in months the need to write a letter , to commit her thoughts and feelings to paper and communicate through the medium of paper and pen with someone .
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