Example sentences of "she [verb] [prep] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She slouched from parent to parent , latching on to those who looked as if they would listen to her woes — not realizing , perhaps , that this was hardly the purpose of Parents ' Evening .
2 But there was no point in talking to Victoria , who had forgotten anywhere else because she lived from day to day .
3 Karen brushed them off with talk of a ‘ little twinge ’ that she got from time to time and rose briskly to clear the table .
4 Jessica followed closely , watching the stop-lights and the curly hair she caught from time to time around the head restraint on his front seat .
5 She was filled with an overwhelming sense of loss as she wandered from tree to tree , recognising many , feeling herself accused : she had overstayed her welcome in the world .
6 The house seemed to put comforting arms around her , as she wandered from room to room .
7 Although as she changed from bus to bus she was free at last of the accusing voices , she had time for a number of second thoughts , wishing in particular that she had put on other clothes , and had had her hair cut .
8 ‘ How frightful , ’ she murmured from time to time , as Mrs. Mounce catalogued another misfortune , another misunderstanding .
9 She brought her hands to her waist and , keeping her elbows out , pushed one forward then the other , as she twisted from side to side ; her face alight , she directed her radiance at the audience , finishing with the invitation , that issued from her lips as a command :
10 After four years Roger died and , owing to the enmity of the bishop of Lincoln , she appealed for protection to Thurstan [ q.v. ] , archbishop of York .
11 Yes — there she was , and this time she turned in response to Sophie 's call .
12 When she turned from painting to writing , she added to these gifts and to this training , two principles which might well be carved above the entrance door of every School of Journalism .
13 She sympathised with the Duchess of York as she fought against her lack of freedom , she was tactful and kind when her own daughter told her that her marriage was dead and , finally , she acted as mediator to Charles and Diana as they fought out the death throes of their loveless union .
14 Stephanie picked Mary up — Mary liked to be picked up — and perched her on one hip as she walked from bed to bed .
15 Alexei offered a hand to her , and when she took it he stood , meeting her gaze steadily , while she stepped from slipper to boot first with one foot , and then with the other .
16 As she said it she grinned from ear to ear , physically contorted by her joy into a sort of bow , arms out stiff behind her like someone about to fly .
17 She was invited to a few parties , kissed good-night outside her door in South Kensington , taken out to lunch by a young man training to be a chartered accountant , and to an Italian film by another who was ‘ in the City ’ ; she was beginning to forget about Rupert when one evening towards the end of January she was later than usual leaving Toogood and Shelve , the publishers , where she worked as secretary to Mr Shelve .
18 Claudia gritted her teeth together , groaning as she blushed from head to foot .
19 She switched from singing to comedy because it was better paid .
20 She rolled from side to side , trying to get the Nina Thing off her chest .
21 Jonna flinched back and Annie sighed as she looked from father to son .
22 She looked from face to face in the darkness , faces that seemed to belong to hideous inquisitors , with the torch beams casting harsh angular shadows from below into their upturned faces .
23 By earning a pittance as a contributor to learned periodicals , she managed from time to time to share rooms in London with friends .
24 She went on deputation to North America .
25 THE woman who left her 11-year-old daughter alone in a London flat while she went on holiday to Spain denied last night that she had been heartless or wicked .
26 She dragged the heavy tome along with her when she went on tour to Japan to give her plenty of bed time reading on her favourite subject .
27 Otherwise , she went from firm to firm , wherever there was work , and usually managed to find some .
28 She went from person to person , taking care to avoid Uncle Lionel .
29 She went from room to room , praising the decor , and if she noticed the paintings they did n't appear to do her any obvious mischief .
30 My mother s face as she spun from uniform to uniform shone with the frightened ecstasy of a martyred saint .
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