Example sentences of "she [verb] [pron] [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 She met her aunt for the first time and was invited to spend a holiday with her .
2 He thought it was an accusation but she met his eyes for a second : ‘ They 'll kill you , ’ she said .
3 She met his eyes for a long while , then nodded .
4 She asked her aunt for a little money , for the first time , shuffling her feet and keeping her eyes shyly down .
5 She cracked her face for a while .
6 One example of how she uses her position for the good of the game , and for others , occurred in October when , suffering from a painful wrist injury and against her doctor 's advice , she played an exhibition , not for personal gain , but to raise money for multiple sclerosis .
7 She lifted her eyes for an instant , shook her head and resumed eating .
8 She noticed his teeth for the first time : small and irregular , like pieces of gravel on a driveway , but sparkling white .
9 As she clambered over the steep Alpine meadows with Portia , she told her friend for the first time about Thomas and how he had helped her when she had nowhere to go .
10 She rested her head for a moment against his shoulder and then sat up straight , conscious that she must not ruffle her carefully coiffured hair .
11 She soothed his brow for a little .
12 She reserved her temper for the horse .
13 Nicandra burst into tears and , as she opened her mouth for a bellow , the stored spinach and saliva shot out , into her plate , on to the tablecloth , a horrid defilement .
14 The relationship between me and my mother was bad because my mother suffered a nervous breakdown and everything , and she blamed her children for a lot of things that went wrong with her .
15 Arriving after a gruelling 13 hour flight , appeared bright and full of energy , almost immediately giving a press conference where she expressed her fears for the future of peace and democracy in her country .
16 After the Anglo-French reconciliation of 1303 , Edward wrote to Marie of France thanking her for her letters in which she expressed her desire for a meeting and conversation between him and her stepson , Philip the Fair .
17 She watched his back for a moment .
18 Also , perhaps , that sometimes at night , she finds her crying for the starving of Africa or unable to sleep with the terror of the possibility of nuclear war or desperately seeking a denial of the reality of the horror of the Holocaust .
19 She slowed their journey for a day or so and nudged some flying fish along to thrill the penguin with rainbowed crests as fine as spun sugar , spinning sea-drops in an arc over the waves .
20 She lost her breath for a moment .
21 Even though she was making light of it , Charlie could n't mistake the fire that animated her when she reached his entries for the final night of Christine Ashdown 's brief career .
22 Then , pleading a headache and fatigue , she cancelled her outing for the evening , and went to bed .
23 She puckered her lips for a moment .
24 Here she gives her predictions for the week ahead and answers your letters
25 She scans our hand for a while and then adopts a worried look .
26 She outlined her regard for the children and made the point that she showed them more attention than the Prince of Wales appeared to . ’
27 She gave her orders for the next week 's farm work and then turned to one of the men .
28 She searched her handbag for the handkerchief , lipstick and eye pencil that are necessary parts of a woman 's grief .
29 Looking up at Trent , she searched his face for a resemblance .
30 A T E , A T R at the university and just , the block , the side of the university , she had her apartment for a little time .
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