Example sentences of "this [noun] [prep] the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My initial impression , on seeing this guitar for the first time , was that Rockwood have tried very hard to steer away from total Strat clone , whilst keeping all the essential ingredients pretty much to the fore .
2 In response to Air Ministry Specification R14/24 calling for a large , long-range flying-boat , Blackburn Aircraft ventured into this field for the first time in 1924 with their RB.1 Iris ( Blackburn 's previous flying-boat experience had been with the diminutive N.1B and Pellet single-seat designs ) .
3 Indeed , I have found that students and businessmen who are using this technique for the first time tend to get confused between the two axes .
4 As we pointed out in a tailpiece to this chapter in the first edition , the CNAA announced in June 1979 a modification of validation procedures for public sector institutions offering its courses .
5 ah , it was alright , er , it was a bit , David did a good performance , erm , and there was this boy in the first year , and he was apparently been turned down by Lambda Do you know who Lambda are , I do n't even know who they are .
6 I hand initially intended to start this column with the first sentence of what is now its second paragraph , but felt it would amusingly underscore the premise of the piece — the ubiquity and infinite adaptability of Magritte 's once exclusively surrealist insights — were it to open thus .
7 Thus this work on the first century of Ottoman history bears the marks of the great disappointment at the collapse of Bayezid 's empire .
8 Not wildly entertaining , but with unintentionally wildly funny moments , this recollection of the first crossing of the Atlantic by Christopher Columbus 500 years ago , is more round the bend than round the world .
9 If we 're so smart we would n't be in this mess in the first place .
10 ‘ If she had done her job properly , I would never have been in this mess in the first place . ’
11 ‘ And I 'm sorry , too , ’ puts in Rainbow , ‘ for getting you into this mess in the first place .
12 Part of her , that stubborn , spirited side , the side that had got her into this mess in the first place , would n't let her give up , back out and admit that Luke Denner and his sexuality were more than she could handle .
13 Yet he is required to hand over his children 's future to the ‘ non-ideological ’ market forces he thinks are largely responsible for getting us all into this mess in the first place .
14 ‘ It 's over-consumption that got us into this mess in the first place , ’ says Julia Langer .
15 The biggest question mark over Major out of the row is how the Government got into this mess in the first place .
16 In fact they were clearly entranced by Hannah — which , it has to be said , is par for the course with everyone meeting this lady for the first time .
17 Some babies affected like this die in the first year of their life , those who do not die can face a lifetime of handicap .
18 Some babies affected like this die in the first year of their life , those who do not die can face a lifetime of handicap .
19 It is worth emphasizing quite how serious a refusal this finery of the first Edwardians represented .
20 A Marxist writer would probably identify this group as the first stirrings of a black petit bourgeoisie .
21 ‘ That was something I missed terribly when I retired and doing this race for the first time is a way of replacing it . ’
22 General Motors and Ford both expect to lose money on car manufacturing this quarter for the first time since the 1982 recession , largely as a result of overcapacity in the market .
23 The decision to investigate this relationship in the first place was bound up with theories of the social function of closeknit networks ( see 5.7.1 ) .
24 I was fortunate to have been associated with him in this development over the first half of the 1940s .
25 Today , Kirov intended to call upon this facility for the first time .
26 24 year old Shaun Gooch and 22 year old Anthony Gallagher , both from Swindon arrived at Gloucester Crown Court this morning for the first day of their trial .
27 Several of the articles in this important collection produced over the last ten years and gathered together in this volume for the first time , focus particularly on ordinary femininity .
28 Hereford lost this game in the first half .
29 Bernard Breslauer has the finest collection of illuminated leaves in the U.S. , on display this month for the first time
30 New ways of working together are introduced at Sullom Voe this month in the first move towards improving the utilisation of the terminal 's resources .
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