Example sentences of "this [noun] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The RAF/RAFA Consultative Committee is the culmination of this support which continues behind the scenes from Station Commanders onwards .
2 But the wave of publications of this kind which began in the 1850s could only gather strength as the century went on and public interest in foreign policy questions grew .
3 You should consider carefully the costs of this kind which relate to the course which you have chosen , and make allowance for further funds if required
4 The approaches made in 1759 by the Danish government to the United Provinces for the creation of a maritime union to defend neutral rights were only one of a series of proposals for some anti-British combination of this kind which culminated in the Armed Neutrality of 1780 .
5 I emphasise that I do not believe that any individual or manager in the health service has done anything in this case which departs from the principles upon which the health service is built .
6 If this process is done with a proper crimping tool there is very little chance of serious damage , although in this case it seemed by the damage done to the line that a normal pair of pliers had been used .
7 The relevant facts are stated in the judgment of the court ( Cockburn C.J. , Wightman and Blackburn JJ. ) , delivered by BLACKBURN J. : In this case it appeared on the trial that the defendant was agent for a Mrs. Bennett , who was non-resident owner of houses in a district subject to a local Act .
8 In this case I refer to the DG issues of Domingo ‘ Arias and Tangos ’ and the Wunderlich five-CD collection .
9 And this bit I do before the lesson and I do this , clean it up afterwards .
10 Judges of the High Court and above , with the exception of the Lord Chancellor , hold office during good behaviour subject to a power of removal by Her Majesty on an address presented by both Houses of Parliament , but no English judge has been removed under this provision which derives from the Act of Settlement 1701 .
11 No but we would This money we spend at the moment er on the bridal magazine was specifically given to test the market by this advertising .
12 In this study we aimed at the investigation of platelet activating factor synthesis in the gastric juice of normal healthy volunteers in vivo , in basal condition , and in response to pentagastrin .
13 Below we include a brief extract from this study which looks at the problems and consequences of conviction for the business , ‘ respectable ’ criminal in comparison to the regular criminal — bearing in mind , of course , that the business criminal is far less likely to be convicted that most other types of criminal .
14 But , you know , if , if , if I 'd have put , when we , when we started to talk at the beginning of this term we had at the beginning a general discussion about what are we gon na put in land reform , if I 'd have come along to s to you and I 'd said well I think we should do this
15 In support of this submission he relied on the recent decision of the House of Lords in Reg. v. Inland Revenue Commissioners , Ex parte T. C. Coombs & Co. [ 1991 ] 2 A.C. 283 , 302F where the House of Lords held , in the words of Lord Lowry who gave the leading judgment in which the other Lords of Appeal concurred , that
16 In this chapter we go beyond the ‘ finished product ’ which is often portrayed in the major sexual assault searches and the cases of sex murder .
17 In this chapter we concentrate on the problem of integrating geographical data reported for different areal spatial units , one of the most intractable of all data integration problems .
18 In this chapter we look at the ways to develop the applications which use the database , including an analysis of data requirements , and in Chapter 7 we look at setting up different external views in the context of different DBMS .
19 In this chapter we look at the general nature of weak syllables .
20 It was the failure of this attempt which led to the gradual expansion of the regular police into rural areas in the first half of the twentieth century .
21 This result she attributed to the very short duration of persistence of the icon , which meant that it had faded before the cue could be utilised to sample selectively .
22 This Saturday we went with the Quigleys , Hannah Dooley , Pike , the Clara Beedings ( as Roger and Clara are known ) and , to my surprise and dismay , Mrs Danby .
23 ‘ In considering this issue we started from the premise that pension schemes were created with the intention of providing working people with a secure and adequate income after retirement ’ , said Working Party Chairman Brian Murphy .
24 It was this issue which lay at the heart of Dicey 's concern about droit administratif .
25 This pen you bought in the market has got a loose nib .
26 This remark she delivered with the immense complacency of the wise virgin ; Clara could not help but feel that having men in only when things went wrong was not as wildly eccentric as her mother supposed , but as she knew no other way , no other world , she could not be sure .
27 So this job you had with the diplomat 's family , did you get it from the , the home or were you in a ?
28 When I 'd completed this process I turned to the mirror to look at myself for a last time .
29 During this period it provided for the suspension of government subsidies to industry and industrial promotion benefits ( a form of tax relief to companies in the interior ) , and for a halt to subsidies to provincial administrations .
30 Earlier in this article I referred to the ‘ English discovery ’ theory which underlies the a cappella renaissance , and I briefly defined the musical and stylistic qualities which , in the judgement of some , give English singers their eminence in this field .
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