Example sentences of "by a [noun sg] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Please sir , a pen , ’ said another , followed by a chorus of the same cry .
2 Next Saturday , she will hope to lower that time by a second on the same track in the TSB Invitation .
3 The priest , with folded hands and closed eyes , recited Grace , and the meal began : soup served by a daughter of the same sister of Rose 's who had been taking the photos ; chicken and ham , with salad .
4 Her silvery hair was held by a ribbon of the same blue shade as her bed-jacket , and there was pink in her cheeks .
5 A hierarchical court structure is essential to give to a particular case a level of authority ; this will determine whether or not the case can be overruled by a decision of the same or a higher court , and which courts , if any , are bound by its decision .
6 In the version with dependent parameters , once Bacon has found a form of law relating two inputs while others have particular settings , it will expect that these two are always related by a law of the same form in which only the values of c and k vary .
7 This was followed by a circular of the same title which set out proposals to help long-stay hospital patients to return to the community .
8 He was wearing a variation of court dress — a coat of midnight blue which had no fastenings but which was secured by a sash of the same colour — which indicated that he had spent the morning in council with the civil servants who were charged with overseeing the administration of some aspect of the government .
9 He also estimated that if the number of working days lost through illness and injury was reduced by a quarter during the same period , another 0.05 per cent in growth rate per annum could be added , representing a rise of 1.1 per cent in the size of the labour force .
10 The normal store operation is obtained by following DCA by a TAD from the same location .
11 Her small shape is gone , for ever , replaced by a void of the same dimensions .
12 In January 1863 , Old Looking Glass died and was succeeded by a son of the same name , hanging his father 's trade mirror , and his burdens , about his own neck .
13 Prohibition lies to prevent some unlawful action by a tribunal on the same grounds as the granting of an order of certiorari .
14 If a fuller search is deemed necessary , it must be done in a suitable place by an officer of the same sex and unless the suspect consents to accompany the officer , he must first be arrested .
15 It is not altogether satisfactory to call a print by an artist on the same theme as one of his paintings a description .
16 Sometimes two or more record keys are transformed by an algorithm into the same address .
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