Example sentences of "by the [adj] [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 There is no express disqualification from voting in the case of mental patients other than the general reference to ‘ any legal incapacity to vote ’ in s.1(l) ( b ) ( i ) of the 1983 Act but it is generally considered that any person who , at the moment of voting , lacked capacity to understand what he was immediately about to do , whether by reason of mental illness or drunkenness , etc. , could be denied the right to vote by the presiding officer at the poll .
2 Heseltine , in his resignation statement , concentrated on ‘ three ministerial meetings chaired by the Prime Minister at the beginning of December ’ .
3 Whether it 's simply the right songs by the right band at the right time , who knows .
4 13 The lost Arch of Nero at Rome , depicted on coins minted at dome ( top ) and Lyon ( left ) ( the coins from Lyon can be distinguished by the small globe at the point of the emperor 's neck ) .
5 On external relations , the European Council welcomed " the results of the United National Conference on Environment and Development ( UNCED ) held in Rio de Janeiro from June 3 to June 14 , 1992 [ see p. 38947 ] , and in particular the acceptance by the international community at the highest level of the aim of sustainable development worldwide . "
6 The girl was gone from his mind , swept aside by the burned-out office at the end of the Administration block .
7 The ant endeavoured to escape , but was held fast by the clammy juice at the points of the hairs , which was drawn out by its feet into fine threads .
8 Linking up with the revival of interest in Byzantine civilisation occasioned by the current exhibition at the Louvre Macula , too , have taken Byzantium as their theme , publishing Les Origines de l'ésthetique méediévale , three texts written in 1945 by André Grabar on the links between Neo-Platonism and Byzantine art .
9 Diplomatic relations between the two nations were resumed in 1955 , but a peace treaty has yet to be signed , largely due to disagreements over possession of certain of the Kurile Islands taken by the Soviet Union at the end of the war .
10 Already in 1975 , however , the American Defence Secretary , Schlesinger , had justified the need for the Diego Garcia base as a response inter alia to an extensive naval ‘ facility ’ built by the Soviet Union at the Somalian port of Berbera .
11 The depth of Japanese opposition was reportedly rooted in its claim to four islands in the Kurile chain seized by the Soviet Union at the end of the Second World War [ see also pp. 38148 ; 38342 ] .
12 For those whose overheads are modest ( and for those who add an extra sum for secretarial , postage , or other expenses ) , I do not believe that either rate is sustainable in terms of a client 's ability to afford it or the likelihood of its recovery by the successful litigant at the conclusion of a case .
13 However , quite often the valuable function of a lead lesson is not only the stimulus and information conveyed by the materials but the way these are deployed by the live teacher at the moment of performance , responding to little hints and reactions from his class .
14 But I definitely want some live dates set up by the new year at the latest .
15 You leave by the fenced footpath at the entrance , turn right at the road and cross into Freeholders ' Wood and follow the hard path towards the Lower Falls .
16 Both were expected to be admitted by the General Assembly at the beginning of its annual session in New York on Sept. 17 .
17 The group was hardly set back at all by the major extinction at the end of the Cretaceous , and has never been more varied than it is today .
18 She often had to act as a buffer between father and son , especially when frustration and bitterness was felt by the younger man at the lack of delegation of responsibility , etc .
19 He can impose his choice because the president is elected not by the voters but by the National Assembly , where the Motherland party still has an ample majority : it holds 290 seats out of 450 Should a party which , judging by the latest test at the polls , is supported by only one voter in five choose the head of state ?
20 However the construction of extra classrooms and toilets depends on the success of a new bid for funding which will decided by the next Government at the end of this year .
21 Last week two goals from Chris Allen finished off a spirited performance by the Welsh side at the Manor .
22 An agreed statement issued by the Indian government at the end of the talks made no mention of Kashmir .
23 He was bitten by the flying bug at the age of four when in 1912 he saw a flimsy Bleriot aircraft flying near his Liverpool home .
24 The changes that have been introduced into South Africa forced upon the white minority government by both international pressure but also by the magnificent work at the A N C in Cosatu must be supported as well but we can not treat South Africa as anything but a pariah a , a , a national pariah until we see one person one vote , and a black majority government in South Africa .
25 The assumption is often made that the best form of library instruction can be given by the personalized service at the reference desk .
26 These proposals were first aired publicly by the French government at the annual meeting of the IMF in September 1964 .
27 Nevertheless , this peculiar combination had a long life and was destined to reappear in the Middle Ages as the Albigensian heresy that flourished for a while in southern France but was eventually crushed in the first quarter of the thirteenth century by the northern French at the command of the most powerful of the medieval Popes , Innocent III .
28 9.6 A group of north-south oriented graves within barrows excavated by the British Museum at the village of Burton Fleming in Humberside ( courtesy Tony Pacitto ) .
29 When asked if they would like subventions from the state to aid their stipends and church buildings , a move which was being seriously considered by the British government at the time , priests and bishops were united in rejecting the idea on the grounds that it would drive a wedge between clergy and people , identifying clergy with the principal enemies of the people .
30 Demonstrations by members of the majority ethnic-Albanian population appeared to have been sparked off by concern that , given the position taken by the Serbian delegation at the extraordinary LCY congress , Kosovar Albanians were to be denied a multiparty political system in the province which would allow Albanian nationalist parties to challenge Serbian domination .
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