Example sentences of "this [is] [adv] much [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is pretty much a disaster at this stage in their careers , and more so when one sees that contenders for places in the 1989 team like Philip Price of Wales , Darren Clarke of Northern Ireland , Keith Jones of Wales and Englishman Roger Wincheater , all won their cards .
2 A bit of oversell occurred with the hardback at £9.99 , but it turned out alright , and I do think this is very much a paperback title .
3 Many homoeopaths are of the opinion that most essential oils antidote or weaken the healing effect of homoeopathic remedies — though this is very much a subject of debate .
4 Unfortunately this is very much a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water .
5 From an expressive standpoint this is very much a twentiethcentury performance , but one in which vibrato , portamento and the like are kept under strict supervision .
6 This is very much a function of productivity gains in modern manufacturing .
7 In any event , this is very much a time to gain new qualifications and add to you overall knowledge .
8 What took place towards the very end of March should have made you realise that this is very much a time to hold you fire when dealing with important professional issues .
9 This is very much a book for specialists .
10 This is very much a book to read and read again .
11 Though , as I say , this is very much a matter of personal taste and is not a ‘ rule ’ and there are some patterns in the electronic packs which may tempt me to change my preferences .
12 This is very much a woman 's weapon .
13 This is very much a product of his legal background which , in a career spanning 40 years as a lawyer , has seen him spurn a more lucrative profession to concentrate on the injusticesthat accompany bureaucracies like the Civil Service .
14 This is very much the way in which the law approaches the extraction of the truth , and it is different both from the vivid imprecision of ordinary life and the intimacy of a police interrogation .
15 This is very much the position of the observer of ‘ divergent ’ speech communities : the difference is that the linguist 's ultimate goal is to draw generalizations , not about behaviour in general , but about language behaviour .
16 If we feel that someone has a high opinion of us we tend to want to live up to it , but few of us bother to make much effort with anyone we know who gives us a low rating , and this is very much the case between mothers-in-law and sons-in-law .
17 This is very much the brainchild of the European Commission .
18 This is very much the view advanced in newspapers , and to some extent , on television .
19 This is very much the situation here .
20 This is so much the case that the management of leg ulcers is commonly left entirely to the DN .
21 This is as much a story of internally generated reform and state genuflection to Oxbridge as it is of institutional conflict and change .
22 This is as much a truth about such episodes as unfocused depression .
23 This is as much a consequence of data on households being more easily available as necessarily a reflection of real differences between household and non-household kin .
24 I believe that this is as much a matter of teaching style as of a correct single method ( it is also a matter of the ‘ ear ’ and sensitivity to language of individual pupils ) .
25 Today , this is as much an art as a science , because of the huge differences of scale between small laboratory experiments and conditions in industrial reactors .
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