Example sentences of "this [is] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even though this is barely above the rate of inflation ( 6.1% ) , it stands ready to cut rates again .
2 This is evidently in a way general .
3 This is rarely under the control of the producer country , even less the actual direct producer , the farmer , but is increasingly coming under the control of the TNC conglomerates that manage the global food system .
4 But this is particularly in the timber trade .
5 That 's an interesting actually side chart , I mean this is completely off the agenda and things , but erm , I just had some information up from er , from RADA and er
6 This is generally for a set sum , over an agreed period , during which you sill pay back the capital and the interest : the rate of interest is fixed at the time you take out the loan , so your monthly repayments never change .
7 This is generally of the order of a millisecond or so at most .
8 If , as Lord Bruce of Donington points out ( letter , April 2 ) , the new Parliament will be presented with a Bill before most members have themselves been able to read the text of the treaty , this is presumably in the hope that they will railroad it through before the British presidency commences in June .
9 This is rather like a radiator working in reverse ( in fact , a radiator could be used as a solar panel ) .
10 This is rather like an attitude one might take to the philosophical discussions about whether we have free will or not .
11 This is rather like the moment in Lewis 's life when he described philosophy as a subject and Barfield replied that to Plato , philosophy was not a subject but a way .
12 When you breathe something it goes up into your your brain here , what they call the olfactory bulb up here , and this is right near the memory .
13 er , this is not of , this is not of the point , in fact it 's on it , it 's a point which I asked you before and er it concerned , I think it 's the same case as the one we 've just been mentioning the , with the commission of objecting to erm appeal procedures on the grounds they are unfair , is that , that 's the same one is n't it ? , let me just perhaps look at it
14 When this is not as a substitute for the individual fund balance sheets , the argument about incomprehensibility still applies .
15 Needless to say , this is not to the exclusion of men but in co-operation with them .
16 I must state this is not for the fur .
17 This is not like a planning appeal because only those who are invited can actually participate , although in practice anyone with anything substantial to say , for or against any aspect of the plan , is likely to be invited .
18 The SACHR said that affirmative action should go as far as positive discrimination , e.g. the tie break , but this is not in the legislation .
19 This is not unlike the high-technology if , vestment profile except that it is generalised to situations where the expected risks of high technology are absent .
20 In fact this is not unlike the collapse of a span , " for a crack at one point concentrates the stress around that point accelerating the collapse .
21 Where standards followed by manufacturers are voluntary rather than mandatory such as British Standard , this is not within the defence anticipated here .
22 This is largely in the accuracy of the estimated completion date .
23 This is largely in the accuracy of the estimated completion date .
24 Scottish legislation to do this is already on the statute book , and legislation for England and Wales is before Parliament .
25 On the computers very sure , this is already in the system this , and already being used , we are just , it wo n't be of any benefit unti , until you actually start working on true data .
26 This is just across the road from Incline Top and should produce 650,000 tonnes of coal .
27 This is just across the border from Canada .
28 This is just for the courtyard and these shrubs and things
29 This is just for the trade , still all very much in the air , ’ she warned , ‘ and not the trade at large .
30 Because there was n't the same amount of work , this is just after the war I 'm talking about , and there was n't so many going then .
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