Example sentences of "this [noun sg] is [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This grant is to encourage the continuation of a series which has become an accepted and much quoted source of reference .
2 This grant is to complete the work started under ESRC grant B/00/23/2053 for July-December 1984 and March-October 1985 .
3 The effect of this change is to increase the group 's revaluation reserves and the book value of freehold and long leasehold premises by £18.4m .
4 .. our task in this parliament is to create the force powerful enough to remove the Tories ; to assemble the policies capable of sustaining a different government ; and to draw together the forces in Britain which will bring change and reform . ’
5 It could be something like this : Another exercise of this kind is to study a picture and to write statements of what is in the picture and then link them together in a paragraph .
6 All you have to do in this case is to stop the fraying at the cut by zig-zag stitch .
7 In English it is not necessary to be able to class a vowel as ( +front , +round ) , whereas this is necessary for French and German ; it could be said that the major task for the learner in this case is to learn the combination of these features , not to learn the individual vowels , and ( in French ) .
8 THE purpose of this Part is to consider the protection afforded to investors in , and creditors of , a company .
9 This award is to help the development of cooperation in the field of South Asian studies between the Oxford Asian Studies Centre and CNRS
10 The effect of this decision is to reverse the trend that was evident from the preceding cases in which there had been a gradual tendency to expand the range of third parties to whom accountants might be held to be liable as a result of errors in financial statements .
11 One consequence of this decision is to extend the definition of " consumer " and therefore the number of cases where ss6 and 7 of the UCTA 1977 will prevent reliance on an exclusion clause .
12 The principal use of this variety is to provide the backbone essential to Champagne blends .
13 The obvious intention of this provision is to override the Court 's case law and empower Member States to legislate on matters covered by Community legislation , at least where that legislation is enacted under Article 100A .
14 This provision is to cover the situation where a person works the same number of hours within , say 4 days , instead of 5 .
15 The purpose of this provision is to prevent the accumulation of unused permissions and to discourage the speculative land-hoarder .
16 If this provision is to apply the tenant may wish to negotiate personal arrangements with the landlord for occupation outside these hours for special circumstances .
17 The purpose of this Appendix is to discuss an example that compares the important elements of the cash basis and forms of the accrual basis of accounting ; and to compare the local authority model .
18 The aim of this study is to examine the influence of these skills on subsequent reading development .
19 The purpose of this study is to examine the handling of complaints made by individuals or organizations against government departments , using as examples H.M. Customs and Excise and the Immigration and Nationality Department .
20 The object of this study is to examine the extent to which those living in rural areas face particular problems of access in relation to legal advice and information of both general and specialist nature .
21 The aim of this study is to compare the incidence rates of gastric cancer in two five year periods ( 1960–64 and 1984–88 ) by site , sex , and age , histological type , the nature of the inflammation adjacent to the tumour , and alcohol and tobacco consumption .
22 The aim of this study is to revise the abyssal ophiuroids of the North Atlantic portraying the species likely to occur within this area so as to facilitate identification by the non specialist .
23 The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of an experimental programme being undertaken by the Trident Trust .
24 The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the treatment of gall bladder stones and to compare in a cost effectiveness analysis these results with the conventional and new surgical techniques .
25 The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the heater probe in preventing recurrence of haemorrhage from peptic ulcer with a non-bleeding visible vessel .
26 The aim of this study is to review the relationship between the formal structures of European institutions and the dynamics of social , economic , and external change , and so to lay the foundations for a renewed theoretical debate about the processes of integration within the West European region .
27 The purpose of this study is to investigate the ability of adsorbents , administered enterally , to reduce systemic endotoxaemia in a hapten induced model of colitis .
28 The main aim of this study is to investigate the way young people coming on to labour market in Northern ireland for the first time cope with stress of unemployment and in particular to investigate factors that might moderate any negative impact unemployment may have , such as participation in the Youth training programme .
29 The aim of this study is to trace the emergence and development of the political ideology of Ulster Unionism as a basis for understanding both how they perceive their national identity and position within the United Kingdom and also their reaction to the Anglo-Irish Agreement .
30 The aim of this study is to elucidate the effect of endothelin-1 on the tissue type plasminogen activator activation followed by mucosal damage in the rat stomach .
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