Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [vb past] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Gaitskell and Citrine were clear that Gibson was innocent of the whiff of corruption surrounding the allegations , to which he had no opportunity to reply ( and Churchill in this case expressed his sympathy for Gibson ) , but his resignation had , inevitably , to he accepted .
2 Chris Waddle 's club , who this week took their spending for the season so far to £14 million by signing the Nantes player Didier Deschamps , have signed agreements with four players which give them priority should they wish to sign any of them .
3 While an overwhelming number of Scottish Labour MPs contacted by The Scotsman this week underlined their support for Mr Clarke , some of his original supporters indicated they would not support him in the shadow cabinet elections later this year .
4 The traditional complaint of consumers — who in Belfast supermarkets this week demonstrated their enthusiasm for cheaper beef — is that they pay twice for the beef mountain .
5 This penalty took his tally for Bath up to 259 points in 49 matches .
6 This caning had its effect for the whole class knew that Miss Smith would stand no nonsense and it stamped her authority .
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