Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [adv] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By producing precisely controlled changes in the concentrations of nutrients or salts in the blood it has been possible to explore the role of factors like blood glucose level or cellular dehydration in eating and drinking ( LeMagnen 1985 ; Rolls and Rolls 1982 ) .
2 It would also cheapen owners costs by allowing then to retain VAT on training fees , ’ he said .
3 They may contrast deictics like here and there , for instance , but they may do so by using here to signal transfers of possession-'Here' , said as a child hands a toy to a parent ; and there to signal completion — ‘ There ! ’ as the last block is placed on a tower ( e.g. , Clark and Sengul , 1978 ) .
4 When in 1769 at a ball in St James 's palace the French ambassador in London , the comte du Châtelet-Lomont , risked provoking a diplomatic incident by pushing forward to assert precedence over his Russian colleague , Count Chernyshev , he was felt by most contemporaries to have been rude and indiscreet rather than to have shown a proper concern for the honour of Louis XV .
5 He evaded the duty payable from 1719 on newly wrought plate by inserting already hallmarked discs into newly made wares .
6 Objective : to liberalize world trade and by doing so to raise standards of living , to ensure full employment , to expand the production and exchange of goods , and to promote economic development .
7 It is clearly necessary to find a unified and consistent explanation of all these phenomena and by doing so to find ways of doing better in the future on all three points .
8 The lexical procedure works by retrieving previously learned information about the specific letter string being read ( and so can not be used for reading non-words aloud , since the reader has never seen these before ) .
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