Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Toothed whales usually travel in pods and hunt fish and quid by pursuing them at high speed .
2 This legislation is designed not only to counteract the violence by harsh , emergency measures , but also to undermine the political nature of the violence by characterising it as mere criminality ; the hope being that it will diminish the level of public support for those involved .
3 Like the frottole they were music for a wide public and , as with the frottole , the printing-presses multiplied their popularity by producing them in alternative forms .
4 These individual ‘ building blocks ’ are called phonemes , or in some instances allophones , and by using them in various combinations any word can be constructed .
5 More often , two or more rhythms are used to give not only a more varied rhythmic interest but also a bigger canvas by using first one rhythm , then another , or by using them in various combinations and expansions .
6 The children were being encouraged to learn about sentences by using them in real contexts .
7 The patient 's self-esteem can be enhanced by reminding him of positive aspects of his personality or previous accomplishments .
8 One relatively straightforward approach to this task consists in trying to refine the theory through use — to discover , by applying it to specific problems , whether it can be consistently employed and what explanations it can yield .
9 How many have taken the edge off the phrase at the grass roots by applying it to inappropriate circumstances ?
10 Then Edgar appears , disguised as a poor knight whose ‘ name is lost ; /By treason 's tooth bare-gnawn , and canker-bit ’ ( 121f. ) , and by defeating him in single combat , completes the exposure of Edmund , the bastard being displayed as a hypocrite and pretender ( 162–74 ) , who in a fair contest — according to Renaissance optimism about the superiority of right — is bound to be defeated by the legitimate .
11 Weller is trying to make political idealism glamorous by linking it with being a stylist , and validate being a stylist by aligning it with political ideals .
12 The idea , of course is not to elucidate dependent conditionals by relating them to causal statements and the like , but to do just the opposite .
13 Drain and refresh immediately by steeping them in cold water .
14 It will be best to distribute the strings evenly throughout the texture by writing them in extended harmony ( with occasional double-stops when these are easily manageable ) .
15 The key to the process was the catalytic combination of pure sulphur dioxide and oxygen gases , achieved by passing them over platinized pumice .
16 But what I set out to do was to show the idiocy of his ideas by bouncing them against other ideas , some of them perhaps equally extreme and absurd .
17 It is easy to ridicule such an argument by pushing it to absurd limits .
18 Because all shareholders will benefit if performance improves ( either through Usurping present management or by frightening them into improved performance ) , why should any rational individual be the one to incur the costs ; why not leave it to someone else ?
19 tone your breasts by spraying them with alternate bursts of warm and cold water then smooth on lots of body lotion to keep them looking their best .
20 They claimed that Philip III of France , his court and his officers had recently ( a modico tempore ) hindered and troubled them by citing them before other courts — not only the Paris Parlement , but the court of the French seneschal of Périgord .
21 In music of this century , composers have cultivated melodic ‘ growth ’ by choosing a specific group of notes , and then , by presenting them in different orders or different rhythmic shapes , created melody which proliferates from what may be only a very limited stock of initial material .
22 Iran has , after all , infringed British sovereignty by forcing it into massive protection for one of its own citizens .
23 SFA 's rules relating to futures follow this tenet by application of the relevant rules only to circumstances where they are required , for example by limiting them to private investors , to contingent liability transactions or to margined transactions .
24 Yeltsin could help by ridding it of bureaucratic incubuses .
25 The government also proposed a new media policy , giving the television service , Doordarshan , and All-India Radio autonomy by turning them into public corporations , similar to the status enjoyed in the United Kingdom by the British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC ) .
26 The same study reports pickets laying traps for tappers by directing them to wrong venues ( Coulter , Miller , and Walker , 1984 : 46 ) Although telephone-tapping during the miners ' strike was relatively well publicized , it is allegedly by no means a new phenomenon in the policing of industrial disputes .
27 Despite signs of renewed interest from both Ford and Volkswagen ( keen to re-establish itself as the largest car manufacturer in Europe ) , the British government announced in March 1988 that it intended to pursue a wholly British solution for the remaining parts of Rover by selling it to British Aerospace ( BAe ) .
28 However , when she was schooled surreptitiously , without her realising it , by riding her in huge paddocks and along country roads ; and asking her to change legs , diagonals , and paces in unfamiliar places , her anxiety was kept dormant .
29 I therefore suggest that all possible steps are taken to dispose soonest of all surrendered personnel in this area whether German , Austrian or Russian by moving them to northern Italy or their homes whichever may be the policy .
30 Can the table and standard lamps be used to better advantage by moving them to different positions ?
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