Example sentences of "by [adv] [v-ing] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Postgraduate Diploma in Biotechnology may be taken by successfully completing the first year and a literature project .
2 By constantly making the same mistake there is the danger that you are reinforcing and learning how to make the error rather than correcting it .
3 You can maintain ‘ official ownership ’ of your case by summarising for the minutes ( 'Following my proposal the meeting agreed … ' ) and by literally having the last word on the item : ‘ So we 're agreed on that .
4 President-for-life Imelda Marcos yesterday dedicated a new statue of her late husband , the former president-for-life , and announced , after singing twenty-eight patriotic songs to the assembled multitudes , that she would set in motion a new scheme to clear up the streets of the city by personally firing the first bullet .
5 Churchill began his campaign on 12 December before the Royal Empire Society with an onslaught on Dominion Status as ‘ a hideous act of self-mutilation astounding to every nation in the world ’ ; continued it for a more general audience by personally hiring the Free Trade Hall in Manchester ; and moved inexorably towards his Shadow Cabinet resignation at the end of January .
6 It is a matter of concern to many librarians and researchers that some of these universities , such as Cambridge , hold numbers of high quality theses , containing unpublished work , to which researchers can only gain access by personally visiting the individual university libraries .
7 Once you have the sub-menu dropped down you can select from it using the cursor keys to move the highlight bar or by just typing the first letter of the option 's name .
8 The alternative path a-d , by just reaching the higher side of the cusp , leads to a high level of success .
9 By progressively turning the colour-balance knob of a colour television set , we can convince ourselves that there is a graded series of progressive improvement from black and white to full colour vision .
10 One demand would be met , said Mr Ma Ying-jeou , a Kuomintang Central Committee member , if the president ended the ‘ temporary provisions ’ by formally declaring the communist rebellion to be over .
11 Moreover , the reductions in ozone itself could produce some positive feedback by further reducing the radiative heating and hence the temperature of the lower stratosphere .
12 Doctors suspect that tartrazine produces symptoms in these people by directly affecting the immune response in some way — perhaps by stopping the synthesis of immune regulators called prostaglandins ( see p 28 ) , or by triggering mast cells directly .
13 This , in all probability , was approximately the state of man 's physical development when he first became aware that he had the power to partake to the full of the golden opportunities before him , and increase the richness of life by gradually controlling the residual violence which was an unavoidable by-product of his evolution .
14 Shepherd had been unsighted — but Dickie Bird came to the rescue by quickly answering the unanimous appeal .
15 Kinsey and his colleagues had also broken a taboo by openly discussing the female orgasm , a subject still shrouded in misinformation .
16 If it is , could you please acknowledge this by signing and returning the attached copy of this letter , and by also signing the enclosed document , retaining the copy for your files .
17 This can be accomplished by wisely releasing the creative potential of individual employees and empowering them to contribute to the goals of the corporation .
18 By thoroughly cleaning the soiled area you will prevent human infection , simply because the eggs are not immediately infective when they are passed from the dog 's body in its faeces .
19 It is even possible , by carefully controlling the electronic apparatus delaying the false echo , to make the bats attempt to land on a " phantom " ledge .
20 And Robert , who was by now learning the basic rule that if anybody said anything interesting it was probably Muhammad , would ask if by any chance it just happened to be a saying of the Prophet , to which the headmaster would reply , his eyes shining , ‘ That 's it !
21 One of the most important issues in zeolite science is therefore the modification of diffusivity by changing pore geometry or by chemically changing the effective pore diameters .
22 Enact a Bill of Rights by immediately incorporating the European Convention on Human Rights and its protocols into UK law .
23 This can be especially serious in the case of attitude scales where respondents by simply offering the same answer to the series of items produce a " response set " so distorting the score .
24 Companies fudge their results by putting losses into extraordinary items , so the ASB stops the fudging by virtually abolishing the extraordinary item .
25 The North also expressed its displeasure on Feb. 18 by unilaterally cancelling the fourth round of North-South Premiers ' talks scheduled for Feb. 25-28 .
26 UNSUNG South African Grant Stafford heaped more misery on world number one Pete Sampras yesterday by sensationally knocking the top seed out of the Stella Artois Championships at Queens .
27 UNSUNG South African Grant Stafford heaped more misery on world number one Pete Sampras yesterday by sensationally knocking the top seed out of the Stella Artois Championships at Queens .
28 For this shot you should position the ball further back in your stance and compensate by fractionally strengthening the left-hand grip .
29 To order the cosmid library of S.pombe , the PTS map established by previously ordering the YAC library was used in this way .
30 The temporary success of Greenpeace in preventing the dumping of noxious wastes in the North Sea by actually boarding the dumping vessel is an object lesson to those still locked in the non-violent action syndrome , like those in the campaign to close US bases in Australia and the anti-uranium movement .
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