Example sentences of "by [art] [adj] [adj] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 Anti-English slanders they were held to be by the genteel Victorian travellers who continued to come to the Pyrenees .
2 Backed by his men and by the many planetary troopers who were unpolluted and loyal to the governor , he had commenced his activities around a ring of other cities than the capital , moving from one to the next , destroying .
3 Store manager Richard Northover was dumped there by the two masked raiders who 'd kidnapped him as he locked up the Woolworths store .
4 The front row on the left was taken by the two light-skinned women who ran the Primary School .
5 ‘ I think it would be a good idea if we all had a swim before breakfast , do n't you ? ’ he said , the announcement seized upon with alacrity by the two little girls who , once again , began jumping up and down on the mattress as if it were a trampoline .
6 In an age when sin and madness were so strongly associated , the only reason for confessing to having been insane would be that complete recovery showed divine forgiveness of whatever sin had caused the madness in the first place ; and this is the reason advanced by the two mediaeval authors who admit to having been mad , Margery Kempe and Thomas Hoccleve .
7 Palmer 's views were shared by the other Northern Residents who , early in his career as Lieutenant-Governor , were organized by him into an effective pressure group known as the Conference of Residents .
8 said : ‘ We are audited on a regular basis by the major pharmaceutical companies who expect us to match FDA standards .
9 The political consensus has also extended to the trade unions , where the position of the Trades Union Congress was dominated by the large industrial unions who had members within the nuclear fold .
10 Meet The Feebles ( 18 ) is a smutty satire on the Muppet show , written and performed by the same New Zealanders who made the enjoyably gross sci-fi romp , Bad Taste .
11 I 'm afraid we did not measure up to the standards set by the well-hung Spanish men who drifted around with flies bulging to the point of bursting their buttons .
12 A DIRECT challenge to Alex Salmond , which could split the Scottish National Party wide open , will be made by the three senior members who dramatically quit their SNP cabinet posts at the weekend .
13 As he entered the dining room the gong was just being sounded by a squat elderly women who later proved to be Frau Zimmerman , wife of the proprietor .
14 They were the weavers followed by a few tottering sailors who had just come out of another tavern .
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