Example sentences of "by [art] [noun] from [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 take the view that erm they are put up by the Council from time to time for various reasons .
2 The remuneration of the interim receiver will be fixed by the court from time to time , taking into account the time spent , the complexity of the matter , the value and nature of the property , etc and will be paid either by the debtor ( if no bankruptcy order is made ) or out of the debtor 's assets as a charge upon them ( r6.56 ) .
3 The authorities ' success in capturing the main instigators of the coup was marred by the escape from detention of some officers , including another of the alleged ringleaders , Lt.-Cdr .
4 Further evidence of this was provided by the escape from prison of Lt.-Cdr .
5 It was particularly valuable to learn of some of the principal concerns that exist and are obviously discussed by the committee from time to time .
6 This manual will be updated by the Editor from time to time .
7 President Mobutu Sese Seko signed a decree on Feb. 10 granting amnesty to Zaïrean exiles who had been accused of threatening state security through speech , writing or in any other manner ; it also covered those who had been removed from official posts or banned by the government from involvement in civic and political life .
8 This long immunity undoubtedly owed something to their impeccable Yorkist background , and its termination may , conversely , be partly explained by the fall from favour of their other patron , the earl of Warwick .
9 This long immunity undoubtedly owed something to their impeccable Yorkist background , and its termination may , conversely , be partly explained by the fall from favour of their other patron , the earl of Warwick .
10 The content of any cold' contact must meet ethical constraints on advertising , fees , disparaging statements etc issued by the ICAEW from time to time .
11 Scathach tugged at the crude bridles of the three horses and the beasts , terrified by the transition from tranquillity to rage and protesting loudly , stepped through .
12 Unlike much of Europe , England had long been a territory ruled by one dynasty , and was protected by the Channel from invasion by the great land powers of the Continent .
13 7.9.3 to notify the Tenant of any [ material ] change in the risks covered by the policy from time to time [ and
14 7.9.3 to notify the Tenant of any change in the risks covered by the policy from time to time and
15 The continuing strength of the urban-rural shift is evident from Figure 4.4 , albeit overlain by the drift from North to South .
16 The clubhead must be felt consciously by the player from start to finish .
17 4.3 Differentiation of degrees of difficulty is characterised by the growth from dependence to independence or autonomy , from application of well-rehearsed routines to coping with unusual situations , gaining increasing confidence in assuming leadership roles , developing self-awareness , including the ability to identify personal strengths and weaknesses and developing a range of interpersonal skills and the contexts within which they are displayed .
18 The agreement provided for the price of the petrol ‘ to be agreed by the parties from time to time ’ and failing agreement to be settled by arbitration .
19 We judge ourselves by the time from call-out to getting the problem fixed which is an average of 63 minutes , ’ he said .
20 By the time they finally arrived in the deserted car park behind the arcade she was trembling from head to foot , racked by every emotion from fear to rage .
21 The first was the one we have just described , in which the path of the cutting tool is analysed by a technician from inspection of the engineering drawing , described in formal mathematical language , and recorded on punched tape .
22 There is a kind of confidence , typified in the prayer to Christ the source of sweet honey-cells of devotion , which is at odds with the stark mood provoked by a revulsion from sin in the whole piece and which is very different from the whole thrust of the short version : The profound realisation of Jesus as a source of grace at the heart of this passage in the long version colours the meditator 's longing for it in the other expanded meditations that open out of this sequence of prayers .
23 He won by a whisker from Regazzoni with Niki still absent , so that the score , going into Monza , was 61 to 47 , with four races left in a hugely dramatic season .
24 Considerable changes in alcohol treatment policy have taken place , marked in particular by a shift from specialist to community care ; an increased role for the voluntary sector and primary health care ; and a change in definitions of alcoholism from theories of disease to concepts of problem alcohol use .
25 The dynastic change from Tudors to Stuarts in 1603 is sometimes said to have been accompanied by a shift from optimism to gloom , and Bacon certainly took an unusually sober approach .
26 The quantum of satisfaction derived by a voter from helping to elect a candidate he has ranked fifth or sixth or lower is not easy to assess .
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