Example sentences of "by [pron] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , the effect of the recent tribunal decisions in Warrener v Walden Engineering Co Ltd ( Case No 22672/91 , Hull 21 October 1991 ) and in Perry v Intec Colleges Ltd [ 1993 ] IRLR 56 is that there is a major risk for a purchaser that he is now obliged to provide occupational pension benefits to the employees equivalent to those enjoyed by them while employed by the vendor .
2 This does not apply if the parties agree that the vehicle is not to be used in the condition in which it is when sold , and a document to this effect is signed by them and given to the buyer at the time of delivery .
3 Crawford travelled to New York by himself and booked into the Algonquin Hotel just before Christmas 1966 , tucking into a turkey sandwich and cold tea on the festive day and desperately missing wife Gabrielle and baby Emma , who were staying with Gabrielle 's father on his farm in Kent .
4 A councillor resigns his office by notice in writing signed by him and delivered to the chief executive or clerk of the authority , except in the case of a parish , town or community councillor when it should be addressed to the chairman of the council .
5 Cranston and Athelstan pushed by him and hammered at the great gate .
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