Example sentences of "by [art] government [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This was seen as part of an attempt by the government to widen economic reform to include democratization as well as liberalization .
2 Circulating coupons issued by the government became legal tender in Ukraine from Jan. 10 .
3 Appeals by the government urging exiled opposition leaders , in particular Alpha Conde of the RPG , to return to Guinea to participate in the political liberalization were largely ignored .
4 He says that the council is obliged by the government to take full responsibility for young offenders — and that includes paying for keeping them in secure units .
5 Fundamental to the future of the railway is a guarantee by the Government to provide adequate funding for long-term investment by Railtrack and for continuing subsidy to rural and urban services .
6 Is there a planned approach by the Government to make maximum use of such a policy to develop employment in the poorer rural areas ?
7 Meanwhile , flaws in the procedures introduced by the Government to bring Interim Development Orders up to modern standards were highlighted in the case of Carmel Woods near Llandeilo .
8 This transformation would not have been possible without the framework established by the government to concentrate high technology medicine and medical education in the public hospitals .
9 Prospective Labour MP for the town Alan Milburn said : ‘ Hundreds of people have been forced into dire straits because the town has been so badly hit by the Government inspired economic slump
10 On the contrary , West Ham had been in the forefront of relief , but had been obstructed by a government enjoying full support of the Alliance ( SE 28 September 22 ) .
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