Example sentences of "by [verb] them [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Toothed whales usually travel in pods and hunt fish and quid by pursuing them at high speed .
2 Like the frottole they were music for a wide public and , as with the frottole , the printing-presses multiplied their popularity by producing them in alternative forms .
3 These individual ‘ building blocks ’ are called phonemes , or in some instances allophones , and by using them in various combinations any word can be constructed .
4 More often , two or more rhythms are used to give not only a more varied rhythmic interest but also a bigger canvas by using first one rhythm , then another , or by using them in various combinations and expansions .
5 The children were being encouraged to learn about sentences by using them in real contexts .
6 The idea , of course is not to elucidate dependent conditionals by relating them to causal statements and the like , but to do just the opposite .
7 Drain and refresh immediately by steeping them in cold water .
8 It will be best to distribute the strings evenly throughout the texture by writing them in extended harmony ( with occasional double-stops when these are easily manageable ) .
9 The key to the process was the catalytic combination of pure sulphur dioxide and oxygen gases , achieved by passing them over platinized pumice .
10 But what I set out to do was to show the idiocy of his ideas by bouncing them against other ideas , some of them perhaps equally extreme and absurd .
11 Because all shareholders will benefit if performance improves ( either through Usurping present management or by frightening them into improved performance ) , why should any rational individual be the one to incur the costs ; why not leave it to someone else ?
12 tone your breasts by spraying them with alternate bursts of warm and cold water then smooth on lots of body lotion to keep them looking their best .
13 They claimed that Philip III of France , his court and his officers had recently ( a modico tempore ) hindered and troubled them by citing them before other courts — not only the Paris Parlement , but the court of the French seneschal of Périgord .
14 In music of this century , composers have cultivated melodic ‘ growth ’ by choosing a specific group of notes , and then , by presenting them in different orders or different rhythmic shapes , created melody which proliferates from what may be only a very limited stock of initial material .
15 SFA 's rules relating to futures follow this tenet by application of the relevant rules only to circumstances where they are required , for example by limiting them to private investors , to contingent liability transactions or to margined transactions .
16 The government also proposed a new media policy , giving the television service , Doordarshan , and All-India Radio autonomy by turning them into public corporations , similar to the status enjoyed in the United Kingdom by the British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC ) .
17 The same study reports pickets laying traps for tappers by directing them to wrong venues ( Coulter , Miller , and Walker , 1984 : 46 ) Although telephone-tapping during the miners ' strike was relatively well publicized , it is allegedly by no means a new phenomenon in the policing of industrial disputes .
18 I therefore suggest that all possible steps are taken to dispose soonest of all surrendered personnel in this area whether German , Austrian or Russian by moving them to northern Italy or their homes whichever may be the policy .
19 Can the table and standard lamps be used to better advantage by moving them to different positions ?
20 Some Indian railways attempted to cope with the great pressure of third-class passengers by installing them in double-decker carriages , but these had soon to be abandoned because they proved to be unsafe and top-heavy .
21 ‘ Positive discrimination ’ in favour of boys was operated in that context for many years , yet such ‘ discrimination ’ in favour of girls — such as by providing them with extra help in their mathematics , or the opportunity to make up lost ground in CDT — is generally frowned upon .
22 By providing them with detailed information they should be less likely to offer impractical advice .
23 They make the organizational labyrinth less treacherous , make it easier to find the other team members , help groom the baton before passing it along , assist management by providing them with mature ideas for review and generally increase the odds of getting a hearing for ideas within the organization .
24 Its fossils have been investigated by cutting them into thin slices , a technique that has revealed a great deal about its anatomy , even down to the details of the structure of its blood vessels .
25 Visual information helps us interpret the audio signals we receive by reinforcing them with additional clues : a beckoning finger reinforces the words " Come here " ; at the same time the expression on the face of the beckoner can give us a clue as to the nature of the summons .
26 The go-ahead for British Rail to order £150 million of new trains , by leasing them from other companies .
27 The advice on page 11 , number 6 , is helpful : most people devise mnemonics which help them to remember particular words by saying them in special ways .
28 The fact that the efficiency of rivets was in no way improved by capping them with precious metal provides another indication of the limitations of material factors in accounting for technical innovation .
29 A team of wildlife biologists from the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) has been to able study the Javanese rhinoceros , considered the world 's rarest large mammal , by recording them with hidden cameras .
30 The Emperor Charles V , whilst compelled to tolerate Protestants within the Empire , compensated for this by treating them with increasing severity within his hereditary dominions .
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