Example sentences of "thing we 've been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And so , le let's just conclude our our thinking and some of the things we 've been looking at ,
2 Though , it 's just that , one of the things that Caroline actually , er working on with Warwick University is a way of re-looking at public services and how there funded right , it 's basically to help David to make the case with Margaret Margaret for more money with the local Government , but erm I mean the sort of things we 've been getting into is like when you considering paying for public services , should you , should you pay like in advance like through the National Insurance System or like , like I mean the French Health Service for example , people pay it for ambulances when they use them , though they pay on a differential rate , but I mean it 's an issue to debate , it 's right , and I 've just been thinking about lavatory while you 've been speaking .
3 Now it 's important that we come up with some interesting things because , as you know , as the course goes on we 're going to be joined by professionals from the media , in the form of Bob Satchwell later on this afternoon , and other gentlemen from the local radio and so forth tomorrow , and they 're actually going to , as it were , confirm , or not , as the case may be , the sort of things we 've been talking about .
4 Yes of course , er , you know this thing we 've been talking about joining with the
5 They said the only thing we 've been talking about at R F S is his er wheel effects .
6 But this thing we 've been doing with an acid and an alkali , most of the bases will do it as well ,
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