Example sentences of "back down [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For a while he tried to read , tried to sink back down into the fortunes of young Pao-yu and his beloved cousin , Tai-yu , but it was no good ; his mind kept returning to the question of the Aristotle File and what it might mean for Chung Kuo .
2 He sat back down on the sofa with a bored expression on his face .
3 The whole world turned on its axis and dumped Ruth back down on the ground with a thump .
4 He sighed and looked back down at the page before closing the book .
5 Blanche held the man 's gaze for a second and glanced back down at the piece of paper .
6 One of them , a tall Hung Mao sat apart from the rest , looked up as the three men approached , then , with the vaguest movement of his head to indicate that they should go on up , looked back down at the rifle in his lap , continuing his meticulous inspection of the weapon .
7 After lunch they all trooped back down to the beach with plastic bags and jars for specimens , and Carolyn lagged behind .
8 An aggressive manoeuvre in wave sailing , where the sailor suddenly changes course whilst on the face to bring himself back down to the bottom of the wave .
9 Philip ran back down to the bit of broken fencing , climbed through and got back into the kitchen as the local news ended .
10 by the veins , there 's always an exception to every rule and the exception to that rule in the case of the heart and the lung connection is the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein , you may not get asked anything about this , but just in case you do it 's as well to know , in that instance the flow is reversed , in other words the pulmonary vein takes blood away from the heart and up to the lungs , and the pulmonary artery brings the oxygenated blood back down to the heart from the lungs , if you want to have a look at the diagrams for that and look at it yourself later on , there 's no need for you to get concerned or confused about this at all , there 's no need .
11 Quietly she opened the door , and walked silently back down to the passage towards the hall .
12 Pleasant walks here are plentiful , or you can simply sunbathe and admire the views , before making your way back down to the village for a piece of scrumptious gateau in one of the numerous cafes .
13 How is it that police forces such as Lothian and Borders are this year reporting crime rates back down to the levels of 1981 ?
14 The central reception and dining area was under the shelter of a huge ‘ banyan ’ tree whose aerial roots hung back down to the ground like fronds .
15 We have attempted to align a previously independent field of inquiry , cognitive and developmental psychology , with evolutionary biology and particularly sociobiology , and in so doing have constructed an ensemble of models that trace , at times clumsily and imperfectly , behavioural development from the genetic blueprint to the assembly of the nervous system to the learning process — and then back down to the alteration of gene frequencies by natural selection operating within the context of particular cultures .
16 Simple arithmetic told us that even if we gained the summit we would be stumbling back down in the dark like late cinema-goers trying to find their seats .
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