Example sentences of "back [coord] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That was hot , yes and th in between there used to be that 's where your furnace used to go in and come back and up out the chimney and that they put them the in there to heat the water quick you see and yet they ought to be , they had to be sliced out with a what they call a slice , cos they used to get furred up and we used to give them nineteen and sixpence for that to fill the boiler up again , we had t used to have take Pinmill and they used to have to come up to get fresh water into the anchor boat and we used to pump it up by hand , into the boiler .
2 Below them were moored feluccas with their long thin yards curving back and up from the masts in the same immaculate line .
3 They seemed to stretch back for a very long way and Nuadu , narrowing his eyes , trying to find his bearings , thought that they must go back and back into the hillside behind the road and deep within the earth .
4 There seemed to be a door cut into the wall that was farthest away from the window ; Fenella , trying to get her bearings , thought it would lead more deeply into the Workshops , perhaps even back and back into the cave part .
5 The hips at impact have started to turn towards the target , but the right shoulder is still back and out of the way .
6 If the maul is stationary but the ball is being moved back and out in the maul then the referee will allow time for the ball to emerge .
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