Example sentences of "back [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 What will future travellers remember as they look back through the mist of time ?
2 Walking through the ancient forest of Wychwood , EV Thompson steps back through the mists of time .
3 Now , from rock nineteen ninety three style , let us move slowly back into the mists of time and a real rave from the grave : Elvis .
4 Erm the managing director in front of Mr erm said to me , It wo n't affect your wages but what we will ask is that you give the company car back until a period of time that your wife passes a test in which case it can be given to your wife as indeed managerial status Mr .
5 When we took the step we did last May , we did n't desert the Tory Party , we rebelled against it and I for one said that I would go back in the fullness of time , I just hoped I could go back with something to show for it .
6 Only poor Webb , still in plaster but determined to be back in the side in time for Italy , can feel discouraged by the way he brought it off .
7 Some sport Gazza crops , while others lost their hair back in the mists of time .
8 He tried to explain that magic had indeed once been wild and lawless , but had been tamed back in the mists of time by the Olden Ones , who had bound it to obey among other things the Law of Conservation of Reality ; this demanded that the effort needed to achieve a goal should be the same regardless of the means used .
9 This will be cut back over a period of time .
10 After losing 83–6 to Blaydon and 42–3 to Horden in recent weeks , the injuries are not helping to get back on the rails in time for their final two league matches this month against Sunderland and Mowden Park .
11 The jeep was bouncing them about mercilessly as the Brigadier tried to get back to the village in time for the Captain and the Substitute to go back to Florence and eat .
12 Blake agreed with his companion , and beat a hasty retreat back to the hole in time .
13 He had lost his watch back in Victorian London and so had no clear idea of time ; it may have taken minutes or hours to get back to the hole in time .
14 This means that the initial state of the universe must have been very carefully chosen indeed if the hot big bang model was correct right back to the beginning of time .
15 Certainly we must get back to the mooring in time for you to start work . ’
16 It has been known for a woman going into labour to suddenly perceive the connection between herself , her mother , mother 's mother , all the mothers of her line stretching back to the beginnings of time , and all the daughters that will follow after .
17 Perhaps if she hurried she could get back to the complex in time for Miguelito 's spot .
18 LET'S GO back , right back to the dawn of time , 1982-ish .
19 In his ignorance , the right hon. Member for Chingford — I have given him notice of this — sees British history as a continuum stretching back to the dawn of time .
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