Example sentences of "even [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Behind Bars ’ at the new , huge , non-profit Threadwaxing Space on Broadway is not as you might suspect a show of political art about prisoners ' rights or even about the exotic lives of cocktail waitresses but rather about the stripe in art .
2 Surely it does not need this insulation even during the chilliest nights in the jungle ?
3 ‘ We recall the long established principle of the UK Parliament , stretching back to 1860 and before , and reasserted even during the dark days of the Second World War , against taxing knowledge , reading , ideas and the demand for literacy and information .
4 It is true that even during the final talks in Moscow the American delegation had to keep a wary eye on those at home who argued against the surrender of the advantages which they expected the United States to derive from further tests above ground .
5 Even during the later years of the reign , when Europe was embroiled in the early stages of the Thirty Years ' War and James 's MPs were calling for active English intervention on behalf of Protestants abroad , there were very few complaints in parliament about the state of religion at home .
6 The officer posted on the tower beneath the flagstaff could now , because of the foliage , scarcely detect an enemy sortie even during the brief periods of moonlight .
7 This robustness has been proved over the past few years even through the economic downturns of the early 1980s .
8 Owen had borrowed for the day some skilled police trackers , men who could follow a trail , or a man , even through the crowded streets of Cairo .
9 After that , it can turn to the Continent for help even through the three-times-daily contacts with other central banks via a telephone hotline .
10 How he was able to do this is a mystery , for he never seems to have been paid by Lowther , not even for the necessary expenses of entertainment called for by an election campaign .
11 Although , cholecystectomy is the most effective longterm treatment for gall bladder stones , not all patients are suitable even for the modern techniques of undertaking cholecystectomy , through mini-incisions or laparoscopically , and will continue to require non-operative management of their gall stones .
12 Attention has also been drawn to the evidence of continuing peasant unrest even after the mass disturbances of 1905–7 were brought to an end .
13 The Report began by identifying some 130,000 part-time teachers in further and adult education who were at that time employed by local authorities and although nobody knows how many are employed over the country as a whole at present , even after the severe reductions of recent years they are likely to number more than 100,000 .
14 Prussia , even after the territorial gains of his reign , was a relatively small and weak state surrounded by more powerful neighbours .
15 There is no universally accepted pattern for the distribution of governmental services between the various agencies of the state , or even of the appropriate services to be performed collectively through government rather than by private initiative .
16 This was true even of the private apartments of the Imperial family , to such an extent that if the Emperor , while working late at night as he often did , wanted a book from his library , he had to take a lighted candle with him .
17 Many such questions have remained unasked by professional ethologists , because of the inhibitory influence of behaviourism — and even of the founding fathers of ethology , who were anxious to avoid sentimental anthropomorphism .
18 Yet Evans-Pritchard records that he never met a Zande who admitted to practising witchcraft , although when pressed Zande might acknowledge that witchcraft substance could act on its own account , perhaps even against the conscious intentions of the person concerned .
19 Even throughout the first years of her marriage , she remained the dutiful wife , never complaining when her husband wanted to involve her in the country life .
20 The old man went white — noticeable even under the absurd splodges of rouge — and the girl cried ‘ It is over ! ’
21 These defects , which are bubbles , cracks and delaminations , are not necessarily visible even under the highest magnifications of optical or electron microscopes as they may be hidden by other elements of the circuit in layers above the flaw .
22 Not only were there French troops , but Frenchmen were infiltrated into the royal household , and even into the higher levels of government .
23 Superior versions found their way into 17th- and 18th-century country houses and even into the smaller rooms at Versailles .
24 It produced 3.8 million tonnes of carbon per year , even with the highest levels of energy efficiency .
25 It was pitch dark in the stable and , even with the burning sticks of jharo we 'd brought from upstairs , we could see nothing at first .
26 ( Even with the economy-wide agreements in Sweden in the 1983 negotiations no settlement could be arrived at with the union side which insisted upon separate industry level negotiations being conducted . )
27 It was decided that , even with the American successes in North Africa , Gibraltar could be under serious threat from the Axis powers .
28 Hotspur looked up , and above the enemy ranks the hill soared rounded and perfect , the shape of a woman 's breast , with a sunlit nipple pointing at the sky , that vast , spacious sky of Northumbria that he missed even above the grander mountains of Wales .
29 Many members of the immigrant population in Britain do not subscribe to it , while current murmurs of homosexual " marriage " cast a new light even upon the heterosexual implications of this definition .
30 In a more limited way , perhaps , the sociological studies of political parties and elections , from Michels onwards , have had some influence upon the manner of conducting political campaigns , and even upon the prevalent conceptions of democracy .
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