Example sentences of "those which [verb] been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The freeing of political parties in March 1990 led to the formation of numerous new parties and the emergence as official opposition of some of those which had been operating within the FNDR .
2 According to the proposed US schedule the Johnston incinerator — the only such facility currently in existence — would undergo 16 months of testing before beginning to destroy chemical weapons already stored on the atoll ( those which had been removed from Okinawa in 1971 ) , and would then incinerate those weapons currently based in West Germany .
3 All these matters are indeed of a lower order of magnitude than those which had been fought for under Lanfranc and Anselm .
4 The record should build upon those which have been maintained for pupils in key stages 1 and 2 .
5 Firstly , the land forces units shown here are those which have been deployed in full or in significant part .
6 For systems which have evolved on the basis of operational experience rather than those which have been created by a formal design process , job analysis rather than task analysis may be the starting point of human factors studies .
7 The Rules of the Fire Offices ' Committee and the Fire Offices ' Committee of Ireland for the Construction of Buildings are those which have been adopted by the Insurance companies , members of the Committee , for the classification of buildings and are based on two grades of construction .
8 Returns are kept in the Public Record Office at Chancery Lane , London , under the classification E179 , but an enquirer should first check the availability of those which have been printed on a county basis or have been copied on to microfilm .
9 to the extent to which regard should be had to the range of awards in other cases which are comparable such cases should as a rule be those which have been determined in the same jurisdiction or in a neighbouring locality where similar social , economic and industrial conditions exist .
10 Specific topics being addressed are those which have been suggested as a possible legacy of the dispute , such as irreconcilable bitterness between former working and former striking miners and their families in a ‘ split ’ community ; permanent disaffection from the police and from the institutions of legal and political authority as a whole as a result of experiences within striking communities ; and changing family relationships as a result of the mobilization of women during the dispute .
11 The regions which are leading are in some cases different from those which have been leading in terms of the historic trends over the last four months .
12 The court will look at restraints imposed upon employees rather more strictly than those which have been agreed between the partners themselves , as there is likely to be an inequality of bargaining power .
13 This is reminiscent of the sort of inversion a fault-finding literary criticism can produce — which is not to deny , which is indeed to admit , that the Arab leaders and polemicists of the region have had their faults , including some of those which have been identified over the years by Commentary .
14 It contained a large number of royal estates : perhaps a third of those which have been identified in the Carolingian Empire .
15 The vines must not be suffering from any disease , nor should the leaves be those which have been distorted by herbicides .
16 The cars which do , are those which have been produced in collaboration with Honda .
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