Example sentences of "those who [verb] [pron] as a " in BNC.

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1 As a person , Whitaker was frequently described by those who knew him as a great store-house of energy and enthusiasm , who could manage that rare gift of imparting such enthusiasm to others .
2 Even in Carluke , there are those who are far from convinced that Beattie , then only 19 and described by those who knew him as a train-daft ‘ big softie ’ , was capable of such a violent act .
3 Reviews were mixed but largely went the way of those who saw it as a one-and-a-half-hour commercial for LSD .
4 The Minister 's initiative was deeply and immediately resented by those who saw it as an attack upon vested interests and professional autonomies : the teachers ( and especially their unions ) , the Local Education Authorities ( and especially the Association of Education Committees under its powerful Secretary , Sir William Alexander ) .
5 Those who denounced him as a political maverick were not surprised when , in 1924 , he joined the Labour party .
6 In the second camp are those who regard him as a true philosopher , however provocative his manner , who is restating traditional philosophical problems in a new way .
7 A particularly important division is between those who regard sexist language as a symptom and those who regard it as a cause .
8 Gerald Kaufman is another who will hesitate to play the sporting card , although there are those who remember him as a midfield dynamo , eternally squabbling with the referee and being booked for ‘ violence of the tongue ’ , an offence which he is said to have invented .
9 I am grateful for the hon. Gentleman 's support for Mr. Norman Warner , whose appointment will be widely welcomed by those who know him as an independent-minded and good man .
10 This notion of the instrumental object as an extension of being should not , however , be reduced to a relationship of efficiency , since an agriculturalist may wax more lyrical about a musical instrument than a plough , and the microcomputer 's popularity may be greater among those who in common parlance ‘ waste time ’ in obsessive programming or games , than among those who use it as a practical means to some other end .
11 Moore would surely grant that there is an indefinability of the word which follows from the fact that what it labels is indefinable , while those who treat it as a statement about a word see it as turning upon what the word is supposed to stand for .
12 There are those who accept him as a subverter of meanings , including his own , an anti-philosopher , a disconcerting jester , gleefully overturning accepted habits of thought .
13 Those who dismissed him as a third-rate actor failed to recognize his ability as a political campaigner .
14 Mrs Shephard told farmers in her native Norfolk : ‘ Farming is a major industry whose importance to maintaining the health of rural life , both for those who work in the country- side and those who enjoy it as an amenity , is all too easily forgotten .
15 Until 1957 the French news agency , Agence France-Presse , had no legal status : rival agencies and French communists were among those who presented it as a state or of official agency .
16 Since the Zande distinguish benge from ‘ ordinary ’ poisons and regard it as a mystical truth-drug , Evans-Pritchard maintains that those who employ it as an oracle do not manipulate it deliberately .
17 undermined by those who see them as an alternative channel for immigration , the many spoiling it for the few yet again .
18 Asylum procedures exist to ensure the protection of those genuinely at risk , but they are in danger of being undermined by those who see them as an alternative channel for immigration .
19 ‘ We have been fairly firm with those who see it as a stick to beat the FPA or Dundee with — that is not our intention . ’
20 So the literary set , many of them agnostic or hostile to religion , ranged behind Lord David , while those who had already committed themselves , together with those who esteemed him as a scholar , voted for E. K. Chambers .
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