Example sentences of "those who [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Reviews were mixed but largely went the way of those who saw it as a one-and-a-half-hour commercial for LSD .
2 But the party fell into the hands of those who saw it as the spokesman of the organized workers in politics , a view which combined the Left and Centre .
3 The Minister 's initiative was deeply and immediately resented by those who saw it as an attack upon vested interests and professional autonomies : the teachers ( and especially their unions ) , the Local Education Authorities ( and especially the Association of Education Committees under its powerful Secretary , Sir William Alexander ) .
4 Those who saw it at the time have never been able to erase the startling impact that it made when it was given its short-lived British premiere at Sadler 's Wells in 1965 .
5 Depending on the contents , the report could provide Ferranti with ammunition for legal action against those who advised it during the ISC purchase .
6 An obvious objection is that the attitude of respect is not regarded by those who display it as the source of their obligation .
7 A particularly important division is between those who regard sexist language as a symptom and those who regard it as a cause .
8 Football has been transformed for most of those who follow it from a Saturday afternoon activity in all weathers to a Saturday night home entertainment .
9 This notion of the instrumental object as an extension of being should not , however , be reduced to a relationship of efficiency , since an agriculturalist may wax more lyrical about a musical instrument than a plough , and the microcomputer 's popularity may be greater among those who in common parlance ‘ waste time ’ in obsessive programming or games , than among those who use it as a practical means to some other end .
10 those who omitted it from a dictionary of fables were less than scholarly .
11 Again these statements are open at least to qualification but they link back to concepts of interpersonal work as women 's tasks and therefore as work which suffers along with those who do it from the lower status of women in a patriarchal society .
12 You ca n't say that males , females , the old or the young a are those who , who carry on their sexual role in a regular way , or those who do it in an irregular way have a privileged point of view .
13 He envies too the regularity , the normality of a life at sea and the unique relation of those who work it with the element by which they are surrounded : ‘ The water opens and closes continuously , and only those who are on board know that they have really passed through .
14 Thus , if in a set of decimals to be compared , the longest one really is the smallest , it will attract such pupils when they are asked to pick out the smallest as well as those who select it for the correct reason .
15 Moore would surely grant that there is an indefinability of the word which follows from the fact that what it labels is indefinable , while those who treat it as a statement about a word see it as turning upon what the word is supposed to stand for .
16 In 1757 Postlethwayt went so far as to argue that the national debt had had the effect of transferring property to the " money-mongers " at such a pace that , " Since our debts have taken place , not near one tenth of the land of England is possessed by the posterity or heirs of those who possessed it at the Revolution . "
17 The historic deepening process of the Community was foreseen from the outset , which is why those who commended it to the country 20 or 30 years ago took care to see that it was not misunderstood .
18 Mrs Shephard told farmers in her native Norfolk : ‘ Farming is a major industry whose importance to maintaining the health of rural life , both for those who work in the country- side and those who enjoy it as an amenity , is all too easily forgotten .
19 It seems , however , always to have been associated by those who employed it with the idea that Britain 's historic policy towards its dependencies had been to lead them along the path towards self-government — a belief which had for its principal inspiration the history of Canada since the Durham report .
20 Until 1957 the French news agency , Agence France-Presse , had no legal status : rival agencies and French communists were among those who presented it as a state or of official agency .
21 Since the Zande distinguish benge from ‘ ordinary ’ poisons and regard it as a mystical truth-drug , Evans-Pritchard maintains that those who employ it as an oracle do not manipulate it deliberately .
22 ‘ We have been fairly firm with those who see it as a stick to beat the FPA or Dundee with — that is not our intention . ’
23 In crude terms the debate divides between those who see the Green Belt as an essential bastion against untrammelled growth in areas of development pressure , and those who see it as the source of many of the problems facing such areas .
24 Ever since John Marshall , its first chief justice , discovered that the court had the ability to overturn legislation that did not accord with the constitution , it has been indispensable in bolstering the central tenet of American democracy : that no grant of governmental power to those who exercise it for the time being is limitless .
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