Example sentences of "want [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I knew that I was fearful of describing the girls I 'd met , because I did n't want to fall into the same traps and judgements we had been talking about ; on the other hand , I was not being totally honest in leaving out their descriptions , because in fact how they looked interested me very much .
2 But who 'd want to work in the small labs if the more exciting stuff went elsewhere ? "
3 We would n't want to comment on the comparative merits of your Minitex and Barbara Smith 's Erka which we show below but it is interesting that the Minitex cost £42.10s.0d in 1950 and the Erka 45 guineas in 1960 .
4 Heinzer , the Mister Nice of the Swiss Team , exploiting an avowed intent to turn Mister Ugly — ‘ I want to go for the big wins ’ — won the first race .
5 Yeah she always wants to go to the expensive places .
6 Fight the flab with fat-burning aerobic dance which is another alternative for those who only want to shake in the right places .
7 I want to know about the nearest sports centre and the types of sport which go on there .
8 They want to know about the latest inventions .
9 If you want to know about the main issues of economic reform in Russia , this is the book to read .
10 Geographers who want to work in the environmental sciences must be willing to learn the methods of these sciences , lest we lose the respect of our colleagues in such fields .
11 Now , however , I want to concentrate on the 15 years during which the two of them lived and worked together , and Pollock made a bid to change the course of what was then thought of as modern art .
12 ‘ Because everyone who comes along to interview me has , as you have Paul , read all the clippings , then they all want to talk about the same things , and I become this kind of caricature .
13 Unfortunately , few of them are interested or want to stick to the dietary disciplines for long .
14 Do you know I ca n't remember the date , early part of March , early part of March , erm what she says at the moment is that er someone else from the college is going to Leicester next Wednesday when Helen 's going to Cardiff and this girl is then going to Cardiff when Helen should be going to Leicester , so Helen says , and she wants to look at the same subjects as what Helen does so Helen says that they 're gon na sort of go to the different colleges and compare notes when they come back from it so she might need n't want to go to Leicester
15 In addition to seeking a long overdue first global hurdles title , Jackson wants to qualify for the 100 metres and compete alongside his great pal , Linford Christie .
16 In addition to seeking a long-overdue first global hurdles title , Jackson wants to qualify for the 100 metres and compete alongside his great pal , Linford Christie .
17 Television is a very evangelical medium and I do not think the Church of England can afford to or wants to compete with the evangelical churches .
18 IF YOU WANT to live in the dampest homes in England , rent a house or flat privately .
19 Geoff has always been a born fighter and wants to succeed alongside the great names in golf .
20 Neil Anderson from Ireland wants to get into the few rooms that the bunch of keys and big iron key wo n't open .
21 They do not have an awful lot of money but they want to act in the best interests of the child . ’
22 We have just heard from the hon. Gentleman that all our proposals for discounts for single people and alleviation of the top rates of the tax are anathema to the Labour party , which wants to return to the full rigours of the rates .
23 Ah , well , we want to say at the bottom items one five seven and twenty four are two piece construction .
24 Any more points anybody wants to make on the demographic aspects ?
25 I was told by released French hostages that he did attempt to escape , that he was beaten very badly , and that basically his spirit at that time was , was , was broken ; he did n't want to talk with the other hostages in the room and he pretty much had withdrawn .
26 It did not want to part with the medium-wave lengths which allowed simulcasting on both FM and medium-wave , so that the deficiencies of one could be remedied by the other .
27 Similarly some women ca n't or do n't want to ride in the latter stages of pregnancy but would like their horse kept in work .
28 Liza and I had wanted to go into the big shops in New Street and Corporation Street for ages but we 'd never dared to pass the attendant who stood in the doorway ready to shoo small children off .
29 It was made up of friends , of people he enjoyed being with , and he did n't want to become like the other teams with their heavy commercial involvements .
30 Miss Armstrong said Labour wanted to work alongside the existing CTCs to bring them within the mainstream education system .
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