Example sentences of "want [to-vb] [adv] for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yes if she 's coming out you mean you do n't , you do n't have to do it all tonight she wan might want to be talking about erm her grading a lot so you ca n't expect her to do any work until she 's got that out of her system she might want to go on for an hour or so .
2 ‘ Thank you , but I do n't want to go out for a meal tonight . ’
3 You do n't want to work hard for a year establishing your act , get offered a tour , and then find that your drummer wo n't give up his milk round .
4 Did you want to stand up for a minute ?
5 ‘ I — I just want to go below for a moment . ’
6 I want to go out for a ride in the open air . ’
7 Oh well might have perhaps will you have a spare day No I want to go out for a meal No , but I been home but at dinner time just .
8 She wants to go away for a holiday , too .
9 Ideally , of course , there should be the choice , especially for islanders having to work on the mainland who want to come home for the weekend .
10 and go out and that , if you want to come down for a couple of days .
11 Want to come in for a minute ? "
12 Ring her up , see if she wants to come down for a drink .
13 Wants to look around for the wallet while I 'm not here , thought Joe .
14 ‘ I want to do well for the club but I seem to be heading up a blind alley and maybe a move is the only solution .
15 ‘ But you want to stay on for a couple more days ?
16 I think it 's brilliant , and when I came out of hospital you said mummy , I said I want to stay here for a couple of days is that Stacey ?
17 erm there are times , perhaps , when one feels this is a little bit dull and wants to skip on for a page or two , but I suspect that that is the case with most novels that one would want to read nowadays .
18 I have been doing some work for a national charity recently and the director and one of the key office-bearers can not stand sight or sound of SARAH , which was a trifle awkward when she rang up once or twice ‘ wanting to pop in for a chat at your new office ’ .
19 X/Open Co Ltd currently derives some 20% of its revenues from royalties : it wants that figure to rise to 100% within five years , though that does n't mean the group wo n't have any paying shareholders by that time , because some organisations will always want to pay upfront for a participation and package of services , it believes .
20 because that , he wanted to go up for a medical which was a bit erm , unethical , but I do n't know whether it 's true it 's , you know it 's just what someone said
21 She leant forward , saying she wanted to go back for a moment to what the TV presenter had said about Jim Lancaster .
22 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
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