Example sentences of "many of [pron] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Again , it was clear that the ministers and their parliamentary colleagues , many of whom in any case disliked the scheme , would not pass into legislation any bill which had been declared contrary to church teaching by the bishops .
2 The relatively relaxed stance of most of the leading Bolsheviks , many of whom in any case were themselves not Great Russians , was met at least half-way by the malleable reactions of the Belorussians .
3 I , I , I 'd would teach them to stand up and tell them the truth , there do n't appear to be too many of them about these days
4 More than 75 per cent of the equity is in the hands of professional investors , many of them through Swiss nominee names .
5 CVCP had maintained that ‘ an expansion driven wholly by the recruitment of extra students , many of them at marginal cost , could threaten research ’ , but says that the research funds mean that some universities can ‘ increase their income without recourse to student recruitment alone ’ .
6 In the same publication as Belshaw ( 1979 ) , there are some other interesting examples of the deleterious effects of exogenous technologies upon indigenous ones in lesser developed countries many of them with strong implications for soil erosion , particularly Swift ( 1979 ) and Richards ( 1979 ) .
7 Bayezid writes , ‘ We enjoyed the greatest pleasure in seeing how the severed heads of the Christian dukes rolled under the horses ’ hooves , and how many of them with tied hands , and others with broken legs , stood by . ’
8 All of the major hair manufacturers produce excellent permanent waves , many of them with special formulations for specific hair types and results .
9 To give the engineers a better appreciation of this aspect I encouraged them to learn to fly up to private pilot standard and I am happy to say this was approached by many of them with considerable enthusiasm .
10 Busy as he was with college duties and with exceptional writing obligations , many of them with journalistic deadlines , he was always accessible to undergraduates and to old members , particularly his ex-pupils .
11 What had those educated women in that church , many of them with responsible jobs in London , in common with that story ?
12 Yes erm because I doubt it , erm at the moment with the fund that we 're talking about the erm the close scheme , because most of these people in B T were originally erm in the Post Office , and of course when the they split erm then the erm Post Office workers went over to B T , they get a B T pension but in actual fact they paid into a pension scheme erm for many of them for forty years because they come into that age group , where so many people , you took a job when you were twenty o or or sixteen and you stayed with it for life , you did n't chop and change like people do these days and the majority of our members erm we can go down and I would say the vast majority of our members have actually worked for the Post Office or starting with the Post Office and then B T or staying with the Post Office for forty years , there 's no end of them they 've got in there forty years service .
13 Old people , many of them on low incomes and prone to suffering from hypothermia , will be forced to keep warm by staying in bed longer , warned George Newson , the chairman of the Ipswich and District branch of the Suffolk Pensioners ' Association .
14 A plethora of books of topographical views at home and abroad used steel engravings , many of them of poor quality .
15 The railway stations of Asia , Australasia , and Africa reveal to the full the range of styles , many of them of great elegance , which could be encompassed in station architecture world-wide .
16 For much the same reason as suggested in the last paragraph , this seems a course of action which in practice would be ruled out for many of them by financial constraints : so again , for many , just wishful thinking .
17 Last year the town recorded 2,500 vehicle offences , many of them from central car parks .
18 In 1915 and ‘ 16 he had proved he had n't lost his old touch , and so died in bed at a great age , garnished with colourful honours , many of them from grateful countries whose soldiers he had n't got killed even on purpose .
19 In an effort to boost that the company turned its attention to railway and industrial projects , many of them in other countries .
20 Godwin illustrates on a small scale the proximity of cesspool and pump ( Fig. 34a ) which an investigator in the town of Stafford in 1866 found to be a more general rule : ‘ The water supply of the whole town is obtained from wells , many of them in close proximity to receptacles of filth ; and I am in the habit of saying , partly in joke , but principally in earnest , that the persons living at No. 6 drink the water that is made at No. 7 .
21 This collection aimed not only at bringing together all earlier decisions and pronouncements of importance by the pope , many of them in early councils , but also at reconciling conflicting judgments .
22 I also made a documentary about the U-boat campaign which in two world wars had nearly brought us to our knees ; and I have always regretted that after the last war , when we sank so many of them in deep water , we did not keep one as a trophy and bring it up the Thames into the heart of London : it would have been a perennial attraction for every schoolboy in the country .
23 This autobiography has nothing to say of courtship , but that , as Dr Vincent has suggested , could well be because working-class autobiographers did not judge it a subject their readers wanted to know about , and many of them in any case lacked the command of an emotional language to describe their feelings .
24 The prompt action by South Pacific countries to deal with the drift-net plague provided a marked contrast to the situation in the North Pacific high seas , where the US had been dragging its heels as the Asian drift-net fleets continued to pillage the salmon , tuna , and squid resources , and kill tens of thousands of marine mammals and hundreds of thousands of sea birds , many of them in Alaskan fisheries waters .
25 The problem for the US troops , as in the bombing attacks aimed at Colonel Gadafy 's Libyan regime , is that there is no such thing as a surgical military strike against targets surrounded by civilians , many of them in this case US citizens .
26 And you do n't find many of them in this dive . ’
27 In the past these so-called middle-income countries ( many of them in Latin America ) relied too heavily on banks ; the result was the debt crisis of the 1980s .
28 The quality of the staff was impressive , and many of them in those days were among the most adventurous of professionals in introducing new teaching methods and new curricula .
29 The Queen says : ‘ The prayers , understanding and sympathy given to us by so many of you in good times and bad have lent us great support and encouragement .
30 The prayers , understanding and sympathy given to us by so many of you in good times and bad have lent us great support and encouragement .
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