Example sentences of "after the [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 No we 've had er because this was erm a , a , a of erm concern here that we felt you know what 's gon na happen after the twelve months and I 'm pretty sure we had a circular round that said we would get two hundred pounds a week .
2 The police charged off after the fictitious yobs and we rushed in the opposite direction back to the track !
3 Additionally , if you have received treatment or advice for a medical condition during the 2 years before taking up the Hospital Income Plan , your cover for the condition commences after you have been insured for 24 months or if you are admitted to hospital for that condition during this period then as soon after the 24 months as you have been free of in-patient treatment for 12 months .
4 ’ The problem is everyone 's after the same bands as us , ’ an Amnesty spokesperson said sheepishly .
5 Based in Switzerland and named after the three transmitters that they used .
6 Suharto himself had suggested in March 1988 after the previous elections that he would not be standing again .
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