Example sentences of "find its [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , there were merchants , the men who organized the markets that enabled the corn or flour or bread to find its way to the hungry , the wool to the weaver , fuller and dyer , the cloth to the man who needed a new costume , timber to the shipbuilder , timber and stone to the church .
2 They can be formed on land near the sea , in shallow lakes or indeed anywhere where it is possible for a large volume of water to find its way into the volcanic vent .
3 Weak on aesthetics it undoubtedly is , and yet curiously it is the only book on drama in education lucky enough to find its way into the impressive bibliography of the 1982 Calouste Gulbenkian publication on the Arts in Schools .
4 to keep ‘ important ’ issues off the agenda£ fails to take into account the diversity of media — magazines , journals , books , radio — which allow for an enormous amount of information to find its way into the public domain .
5 Were such matter to find its way into the domestic blue-film market , the Board argued , it could have a very real tendency to deprave and corrupt , not just those of 16 , but of any age , who had been encouraged to view such material in private .
6 Expressed in this way , ‘ A Plan for Britain' was symptomatic of a mood of collectivist enthusiasm which seemed to find its opportunity in the shared perils and challenges of the early years of the war .
7 Pausing just long enough to sweep the old man 's triumphant face with an antagonistic look , Beth turned from them both and went , head high , out of the room and into the hallway , where the late March sunshine found its way through the tall arched windows , and where the air seemed relatively fresh compared to the musty damp smell of the old man 's den .
8 The latter case found its way on the front page of the Sunday People under the headline BEAUTY QUEEN 'S LIFE OF CRIME Terrorised wife 's story .
9 The essence of pristine Labour policy had of course , and largely through the influence of Tawney , found its way into the official Hadow Report of 1926 : ‘ Selection by differentiation takes the place of selection by elimination . ’
10 Everything needing a temporary home found its way into the stable and then became a permanency .
11 Reference to the production history of Falcon s/n 157 will confirm that the aircraft eventually found its way into the Canadian Armed Forces ( designated " CC117 " ) , where it was operated by the Airborne Sensing Unit ( ASU ) , from Uplands CFB , Ottawa , Ontario .
12 The first drug to be recognised for its antimalarial effects was quinine , which found its way into the British Pharmacopaea as early as 1677 .
13 The most famous tin-glazed pottery of Spain was lustre pottery ; it was also exported and found its way into the wealthy households of medieval Europe .
14 ‘ A lot of it found its way to the Irish Republic . ’
15 It finds its way to the outside world via the water system and it is believed to be harmful to animals .
16 Most of the information that we record , process and transact and most of our reporting finds its creation within the comfortable soft world of a computer .
17 While the students looked to the West , China 's hardline leadership has found its inspiration in the pre-glasnost Soviet Union of Stalinist aesthetics - muscular arms , square jaws and stiff poses .
18 This fact , plus the ubiquitous veil of secrecy which covers military matters , has fuelled suspicion that the link has never been thoroughly broken and that plutonium produced in civil reactors has found its way into the military stockpiles .
19 The volunteers started work by hauling away an accumulation of rubbish which had found its way into the little lake .
20 The bar of The Wheel Tapper filled up and then one night emptied completely : Woodstock had eventually found its way to the local cinema .
21 Somehow it must have found its way through the post-and-wire barrier that bounded the meadow , skipped farther on and got itself tangled in the barbs of the fencing at the top of the embankment beyond , above the railway line .
22 My surprise does not arise from the possibility of a Government defeat over the social chapter but from the fact that it is only now that such a story has found its way onto the front pages .
23 They knew , we knew and the police knew that the chance of such a case finding its way into the overloaded court system was minimal .
24 The amount of dirt removed during the weekly clean is an indication of the harshness of the environment and the amount of dirt which will find its way into the inner workings of your machine .
25 Even if it is not read out in the endless rounds of buying and selling shares , then the message , passive though it might be , should still find its way into the living rooms of a high proportion of homes in the Sheffield region .
26 What appears to be one of the earliest sections of the manuscripts the section beginning ‘ So through the evening , through the violet air ’ ( dating from c.1914 ) contains an arresting image which would find its way into the final poem .
27 If we look only at the output we may not learn anything , because if everyone is putting in the right amount of effort the system may still work in the same way as the arrow in the drawing does eventually find its way in the right direction .
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