Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] [v-ing] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We followed a pleasant bridle path through trees and soon found ourselves listening to the sweet bubbling song of a black cap .
2 He was surprised therefore , after drawing his gun and edging out carefully , to find himself standing in the deserted mortuary room where he had introduced the three travellers to Howard .
3 Panic struck the New York stock market , share values fell dramatically and Hoover found himself presiding over the worst economic depression in the history of the USA .
4 Charles found himself muttering to the motherly dresser , who handed him his hat .
5 Wycliffe found himself gazing at the white hairs which sprouted from her upper lip and looked quickly away .
6 Maxim found himself reaching for the non-existent seatbelt .
7 PALEFACE David Mellor walked into a hall full of journalists last night … and found himself drinking in The Last Chance Saloon .
8 Lewis found himself looking at the back page of The Oxford Times which lay on the desk .
9 But instead of the greed-crazed madman he expected , he found himself looking into the round red face of a Sergeant of the Watch .
10 It was then he knew for certain that the oriental he had just shot was not the one from whom he had wanted to exact retribution for injuring Pam — because at the other end of the corridor he found himself looking into the glittering black eyes of his hated enemy , Angel One .
11 These tales made quite an impression on me as did the story of Uncle Fred 's eldest son , young Fred as he was known , putting on his age and managing to join the Marines when only sixteen , then found himself serving on the same ship as his father during the great battle — something of a unique record .
12 With the Philharmonia wind players at their vaulting , brilliant best , it was a performance which Porter found himself preferring to the mellower and long-admired Clemens Krauss recordings , which sounded tame by comparison .
13 But things change quickly at Ferrari and , in 1990 , he found himself swimming against the political tide .
14 All the same , he found himself wondering about the strange animal and , almost as ii he was under some strange influence , he could not get the events out of his mind .
15 The Londoner found himself staring into the expressionless face of the tall and broad , blond-haired , blue-eyed bouncer .
16 Lord Whitelaw , a figure from the past , alighted from a black Rover , and , turning towards France in order to return the salutations of the mob , found himself staring into the bloodshot eyes of Class War .
17 Thus he found himself working within the grey area between employment agencies and headhunters .
18 Mr Berkley found himself responding to the insistent beat .
19 The last time she had woken from sleep it had been to find herself looking into the blue eyes of a dangerous enemy ; now the enemy was a friend .
20 Beth shuffled her feet in the awkward silence and found herself looking at the second man more closely .
21 Glad that her limited knowledge of Danish included an apology , she blinked away her tears , raising her eyes to the stranger 's face and freezing as completely as Lot 's wife as she found herself looking into the ice-blue eyes of the man she loved .
22 A sound had her spinning round and she found herself looking into the astonished eyes of Marie as the girl slid from her bicycle and walked forwards to confront her .
23 Nikos smiled and said something softly in Greek , and for some reason Lindsey found herself blushing at the sudden contact of Niall 's hand against her arm , but she could n't interpret the look he gave her as they were ushered towards one of the few empty tables overlooking the harbour .
24 But she found herself talking to the empty room , and the sky outside the window was the untroubled blue of a peaceful July morning .
25 She found herself bending over the old woman and hissing at her , ‘ If it 's so natural , Great-gran , why did a woman approach me today , the mother of one of the little girls at school , and suggest that my daughter was fantasising about her father being in the bath with her .
26 The angry words dried up in a strangled gasp , though , as she found herself staring into the dark brown eyes of Julius Landor , her husband .
27 She was troubled , distracted in meditation , and often found herself staring into the middle distance when the other sisters were chanting Divine Office .
28 For fleeting seconds Julie found herself staring into the rain-soaked face of the intruder .
29 Jessamy found herself staring at the powerful set of his shoulders , and remembered all too clearly that the aura of power was n't just an illusion .
30 As the sound of his car died away she found herself staring at the blank windows of Ivy Cottage across the lane .
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