Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] [vb pp] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I do not know whether the director of The Tallis Scholars was gratified to find himself presented in The New Yorker as an American stereotype of the classy Englishman with a dandyish dress sense , a love of cricket , a public school education leading to Oxford , and a colloquial idiom with a touch of P. G. Wodehouse .
2 As Creggan soared upwards he found himself lost in a swirling black wind in which were scattered moving lights , swaying trees and strange sounds he had never heard before .
3 IT IS a measure of the strength of the entry for the Hi-Tec British Open Championships that the world No 28 , Brett Newton , of Australia , found himself eliminated in the first round of the qualifying competition yesterday .
4 Their horses were fresher , and gradually closed on Sharpe who , to spare the mare 's strength , tried to avoid the worst hills , but he eventually found himself trapped in a long valley and was forced to put the mare at a steep grass slope which led to a bare skyline .
5 The BBC found itself embroiled in a long series of disputes with the government , partly over its financing , partly over alleged anti-government reporting of such episodes as the Libyan bombing raids in 1986 ( covered by an able woman reporter , Kate Adie ) .
6 There she found herself ensconced in a huge grey suede and chrome armchair , clutching a hefty measure of Scotch , and staring blankly around at what she could only assume to be the ‘ minimalist ’ style of interior decoration .
7 Unfortunately apart from some of the movies mentioned above , she found herself stuck in the '40s with the unwelcome label of Queen of the B's , because of her frequent roles in Charlie Chan , Mr Moto and Falcon Quickies .
8 She struck out blindly and found herself taken in a firm grip .
9 Many energy-intensive industries had to reduce their productive capacity , e.g. oil refineries , steel works , while international banks found themselves engaged in a massive petro-dollar recycling operation between surplus and deficit countries .
10 Two rival regiments of the peacetime British Army found themselves quartered in the same town .
11 This was the first occasion on which the ancestors of the modern Slovenes found themselves included in a political unit which extended into central Europe .
12 They found themselves trapped in a little group .
13 This is the date England had originally set aside for a friendly against the Republic of Ireland in Dublin but which both Robson and Jack Charlton agreed to abandon when they found themselves paired in the same World Cup group .
14 As they passed the alimentari ( shut , as it might be forever ) and then plunged off the road into the shadows of the bramble-lined single track , Haverford quoted , as he had been waiting to do ever since they left Heathrow : ‘ ‘ In the middle of the journey of our life , I found myself lost in a dark wood , ’ ’ he began to translate for the benefit of the children , but they were all , including the baby , asleep now and Molly thought that for her father to pretend to be in the middle of his life was a bit of a cheek anyway .
15 And yet it was inevitable , given our subject matter , that we should find ourselves caught in the inherent conflict between fact and faith .
16 The minority who do find themselves embroiled in the criminal justice system are usually involved in petty crime such as shoplifting , casual theft , prostitution and minor public order offences rather than violent crime , and may become frequent offenders — magistrates complain that they see a procession of recidivist minor offenders in whom unemployment , poverty , poor intellect , long-standing emotional and social difficulties and a wide range of mental health problems are compounded .
17 The school had an excellent library , especially in the English section , and I would find myself immersed in the literary essays of T. S. Eliot , I. A. Richards , W. K. Wimsatt , Bradley or Dover Wilson , Maud Bodkin on archetypal patterns or Caroline Spurgeon on Shakespeare 's imagery .
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